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Frozen on first X display

From: Karl Eichwalder
Subject: Frozen on first X display
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 09:29:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Emacs on the first display is blocked after a certain period of time
when I export and use a buffer via 'ssh -X' and 'gnuclient'.

Start Emacs on 'foo'.


    (load "gnuserv-compat")

Load some file and edit.

Connect from 'bar' to 'foo' and call 'gnuclient':

    address@hidden> ssh -X foo
    address@hidden> gnuclient .

Edit an XML file, start Gnus, or something like that, and after some
actions Emacs on display 'foo:0' is not able to accept key strokes;
it's "frozen".  One can "unfreeze" it, issuing a certain abort command
on the second display as follows:

    M-x server-start C-g              ; Don't press RET!

Affected system: SuSE Linux 8.2 i386 using Emacs from CVS trunk
(checkout by 2003-05-19 00:15 CEST; also affected Emacs from the
beginning of May, 2003; I didn't test any other version).

                                                         |      ,__o
http://www.gnu.franken.de/ke/                            |    _-\_<,
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