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[Duplicity-talk] Duplicity powering a new kind of smart backup/restore s

From: Liraz Siri
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Duplicity powering a new kind of smart backup/restore system
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 17:58:46 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090318)

Hey everybody,

I've been a big fan of Duplicity for a few years now so naturally when I
started designing the "next generation" TurnKey backup/restore system
one of the first things I worked out was how we could leverage
Duplicity. We ran into a few unexpected snags with the latest version
(which I reported earlier on the mailing list), but we figured out how
to work around them.

Now for the big news. Yesterday we finally unveiled TKLBAM (TurnKey
Backup and Migration) which is a new kind of smart, fully automated,
system-level backup and restore facility that stores by default to
Amazon S3.


Technical documentation:


Fully automating the backup and restore process makes it practical for
the first time to easily test backups "in the cloud", and migrate full
systems (e.g., servers) anywhere in minutes regardless of the underlying
hardware or location. That's not hyperbole BTW, and we have a screencast
to prove it (or you can just try it).

Example usage scenarios:

* migrate a local deployment to a cloud server
* migrate a cloud server to any other cloud server / VPS
* migrate a virtual machine to bare metal
* migrate from Debian to Ubuntu
* migrate from from 32-bit to 64-bit

In a nutshell, we designed this as our ideal backup system. Imagine a
fully automated backup and restore system with no pain. That you don't
need to configure. That just magically knows what to backup and, just as
importantly, what not to backup, to create super efficient, encrypted
backups of changes to files, databases, package management state, even
users and groups.

TKLBAM is licensed under the GPL3.

Liraz Siri
Cell: +972-54-2013512
Co-Founder of TurnKey Linux

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