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Re: [Duplicity-talk] zfec vs. par2 (and, hello there!)

From: Andrew Kohlsmith (lists)
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] zfec vs. par2 (and, hello there!)
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 15:03:48 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)

On November 4, 2008 09:20:28 am address@hidden wrote:
> > It would be easy to change the cmdline zfec tool to process multiple
> > files, but what should it do with them?  I guess maybe "for FILE in a
> > b c d e ; do zfec $FILE ; done" or else "tar cjf a.tar.bz2 a b c d e
> > && zfec a.tar.bz2" would probably be the best way to handle multiple
> > files.

> this was more a remark. You are totally right on this. It was rooted in
> duplicity use case, where the creating of parity, usually would have to
> be applied on  a bunch of files .
> As ftplicity coder I just played with the idea to add zfec to existing
> duplicity repositories, backup data. But as duplicity is also handling
> the upload (what I want to keep) there is no way. It would be possible
> though, if I had  a script that would rsync locally created duplicity
> data to an external backup storage.

This is similar to why I had chosen to use afio instead of tar for my old 
backup system; it would compress each file individually instead of compress 
the stream coming out of the tarball... If you hit a bad spot on tape that 
could not be corrected, you lost a LOT less data.


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