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Re: [Pnet-developers] Platform Independent Directory Separators

From: WC Jones
Subject: Re: [Pnet-developers] Platform Independent Directory Separators
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 01:11:34 -0500 (EST)

>You could try changing the image file path in the
>FormsTest thingy and try that again ?...

It works - as did the XHello.cs path when changed;
I am pretty sure it isn't the image file format but
a pathing issue.  Maybe I have looked at it too much.
I am, after all, just now learning C#.

To play devil's advocate --

Let's say I didn't have access to the source code?
(In this case I do, but like Progress 4GL P-code or
R-code we shouldn't have to worry about what slash or
colon the original programmer wrote for a directory

I guess true platform independence will forever be a dream.

>The System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar and
>System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar store
>implementation-defined directory separator characters

Yep, I am almost sure it is a coding issue in the
original C# .Net example -

Probably something I am missing here:

         // displays image specified by filename
         dieLabel.Image = Image.FromFile(
            Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() +
         // "\\images\\die" + face + ".gif" );

I have moved back to working in Perl for now.

Bill  :)

PS - For those of you who don't know:
Progress 4GL runs compiled code on over 200 different 
platforms with little or no coding changes required.  
What I mean is you compile on WinXP and run on Unix 
(or vice-versa.)  But like all good things nothing 
is 100% compatible.

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