On September 10, 2019 11:12:30 PM GMT+02:00, Therese Godefroy via RT <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello FSD people,
I wonder whether you could use this suggestion for the Free
software replacements page.
Le Lun 09 Sep 2019 07:44:48, address@hidden a écrit :
Hi all.
I'm not sure what your stance on Mozilla (Firefox, Thunderbird) is
days, but today I discovered an Encrypted Media Extensions free
of Firefox located at https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/.
to that URL, scroll down or hit ctrl+f or simply F3 and search for the
current version which is version 69, click on the version number and
there you'll find win32-EME-free as well as win64-EME-free and even
macOS versions of respective EME free firefox releases.
Maybe you could recommend that instead of standard firefox which is
encumbered by DRM by default? I know there's still the issue of the
trademark as well as it recommends non-free addons that makes firefox
not free, but just as an anti-DRM statement you could perhaps direct
people to this version of firefox? Since there is no logner a GNU
for Windows, this might be an alternative. Only that people should be
aware of the aforementioned issues.
Just don't download the beta versions below the final versions.
This could solve the issue mentioned here
I was thinking about this and then I suddenly found EME free firefox
version. Also, maybe mention this in the Defective by design campaign
I say this because there isn't really a reliable free software browser
for Windows that meet FSF criteria, this could be the best Windows
browser. I also saw that Tor is recommended as a browser for Windows,
but that's not a normal browser either.
Just an idea I had.