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Re: [Denemo-devel] Multiple lilypond postfix

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Multiple lilypond postfix
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:45:14 +0000

On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 18:56 -0600, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> Should we start adding a way to append current lilypond postfixed  
> strings in the scripts in order to allow for multiple postfix.
This is a very straightforward extension.
I've been slightly putting this off partly because I have a feeling that
the LilyPond directive code is not in the shape I would wish it. There
are the inserts which are DenemoObjects and then there are the postfix
bits which attach to notes in a DenemoChord. There is some logic to this
- LilyPond treats chords as just "music in parallel" which Denemo
doesn't (and probably shouldn't). But some LilyPond directives (I am
thinking of text markup attached to a note) need additional LilyPond
directives placed before the note (I am thinking of the fine-tuning the
position of such markup). And yet other LilyPond directives are
open/close type things, such as begin/end phrasing slur, and still
others span greater chunks (\repeat or \transpose ...).
I think we can create something that users can understand and manipulate
and which will not (easily) generate bad LilyPond.

> So if I want to add a postfix fingering of -2. Later I want to append  
> \3 with another script. at the moment if I create this commands with  
> the menu it replaces the old postfix with the new one.
Well, no, on the second go you find yourself editing the old one, you
just have to type right arrow (to get rid of the selection) and add the
new text.

>  should all  
> postfix lilypond append by default? 
>From a script it should append by default - that is supposed to be what
the other code is doing. I think there is (or should be) code to handle
a query parameter which causes (d-InsertLilyPond "query") to return the
current LilyPond text. (??? I can't remember whether I did it, or
something slightly different, or just thought it - emailed it?).
> This would make it easier on a  
> user creating a script but could possibly lead to appending things  
> like -3-2.
>  I suppose that can be easily fixed once the user renders  
> the score and the would seek a way to manually  edit the string or  
> delete the string and start over. I can see myself adding postfix that  
> contins left hand / right hand fingering, glissando/string bending as  
> well as string number.
> Jeremiah
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