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Re: [Denemo-devel] Lyric-Error and Staff-Question (Example Attached)

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Lyric-Error and Staff-Question (Example Attached)
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2008 09:15:51 +0100

On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 18:14 +0200, Nils Gey wrote:
> Hi list,
> Today I composed a Vocal piece for my band and typed it into Denemo. Its 
> attached, as you can see.
> I wanted to start with the lyrics 
That is, you wanted to write a Denemo score that has just lyrics at
first? It's a good idea - a composer would want this. But whoever did
lyrics in Denemo didn't think of it, as the lyrics are attached syllable
by syllable to notes.

> and I noticed that all lyrics are only on the first note, if you select 
> another one the lyric-entry-field is blank. After experimenting a bit (It 
> seems Lyrics are in a very basic state) there appeared these strange lines 
> ----.
Those are extenders (if I have the right terminology) caused by not
having syllables on the notes; it is a bad thing that once you have put
a lyric under a note you cannot change your mind and delete all the
lyrics. At one time Denemo didn't put in the extenders and all the
syllables ended up on the wrong notes (i.e. LilyPond just put them in
one syllable at a time, starting on the first note). So I put in the "-"
to prevent this.
On the positive side, we could now write a script to delete all the
lyrics - it would cut and paste the staff to a new staff and delete the
old one. This would work because the cut-and-paste does not work
properly, failing to cut and paste the lyrics. It would probably lose
some other important features, so let's not go there.

>  You can see them in the Print/PDF output and in the lilypond text-view but 
> not in the Denemo-window. I didn't write them and the Lilypondwindow is not 
> able to delete them. 
> At least how do I get rid of them?
The LilyPond window needs some more work to make the lyrics editable
there - not difficult, just unfinished business.
> Second issue: The piece is not final. After the Refrain, which you can see in 
> the attached file, I want to have a verse-line with several lyric lines. But 
> I want to reduce the staffs to one or two. How Do I do that? Is it possible 
> in Denemo? And how do I have only one Lyric for the refrain in 4 staffs but 
> several verse-lyrics for only one staff?
Multiple verses has never yet been done inside Denemo. It can be done in
the LilyPond window with all the disadvantages (not displayed in Denemo
window, custom scoreblocks).

> Nils, starting to actually learn Denemo 

Richard, gradually realizing how much of Denemo is still unwritten.

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