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Re: Does DDD work with assembly language ".s" files?

From: Cal Erickson
Subject: Re: Does DDD work with assembly language ".s" files?
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 13:01:54 -0700

If you are using the GNU assembler you could try using the
--gstabs option to generate stabs debugging symbols.
I do not know if this will give you line numbers.


Hans Zuidam wrote:

> Andreas Zeller wrote:
> > "Heneghan, Joseph T (Joseph)" <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> > > I'm trying to debug i960 assembly code. My environment has C, C++,
> > > and I960 assembly code. DDD supports C fine, but does not appear to
> > > support the ".s" files.
> > However, I am not aware of GDB being able to list .s source files.
> The problem is that GNU as does not generate debugging information (such
> as line numbers and symbol information) when generating object code.
> These
> are directives like (this is for COFF):
>         .def fn; .val fn; .scl 2; .type 044; .endef
> for function fn.
> The only way to do this is by inserting those directives by hand.  The
> easiest way to do that is by having gcc compile a "typical" piece of C
> with `-S -g' and look at the debugging directives generated by gcc.
> This all depends very much on the debugging format used by the object
> format (COFF, dwarf, etc.)
> Regards,
>                                                 Hans
> --
> H. Zuidam                       e-mail <address@hidden>
> Kruidenhof 18                   tel. +31 40 2481546
> 5632 MD Eindhoven
> The Netherlands
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Cal Erickson                 MontaVista Software Inc.
Linux Consultant             1237 E. Arques Ave.
Phone (408) 328-0304         Sunnyvale CA 94085
Fax   (408) 328-9204         web http://www.mvista.com
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