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Re: Does DDD work with assembly language ".s" files?

From: Hans Zuidam
Subject: Re: Does DDD work with assembly language ".s" files?
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 21:44:17 +0200

Andreas Zeller wrote:
> "Heneghan, Joseph T (Joseph)" <address@hidden> writes:
> > I'm trying to debug i960 assembly code. My environment has C, C++,
> > and I960 assembly code. DDD supports C fine, but does not appear to
> > support the ".s" files.
> However, I am not aware of GDB being able to list .s source files.

The problem is that GNU as does not generate debugging information (such
as line numbers and symbol information) when generating object code. 
are directives like (this is for COFF):

        .def fn; .val fn; .scl 2; .type 044; .endef

for function fn.

The only way to do this is by inserting those directives by hand.  The
easiest way to do that is by having gcc compile a "typical" piece of C
with `-S -g' and look at the debugging directives generated by gcc.
This all depends very much on the debugging format used by the object
format (COFF, dwarf, etc.)


H. Zuidam                       e-mail <address@hidden>
Kruidenhof 18                   tel. +31 40 2481546
5632 MD Eindhoven
The Netherlands

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