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Re: [Dazuko-help] dazuko conflict with pidgin

From: John Ogness
Subject: Re: [Dazuko-help] dazuko conflict with pidgin
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 15:54:45 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

yigao yu wrote:
>   Yesterday I installed dazuko3.0.0, and add two commands in
> /etc/rc.d/boot.local, in which the content is at the following:
> insmod /dazuko-3.0.0-birthday/build/kernel/dazuko.ko
> mount -t dazukofs -o dir=/usr/local /usr/local /usr/local
> and concurrently I installed pidgin2.1.0 successfully, after I reboot my
> system, I found that dazuko was started successfully, but I could not invoke
> pidgin. When I ran pidgin, it indicated "Segmentation Fault".

Have you tried using Pidgin without mounting DazukoFS? (We need to be
sure that it is actually related.)

If it really is directly related to Dazuko, could you try to isolate
which files may be involved? For example, only mounting DazukoFS on
/usr/local/bin and trying it. If it works, try /usr/local/lib, etc. If
DazukoFS is at fault, you should be able to isolate which directory is
causing the problem.

Once we've isolated the files, we could investigate _why_ these files
are causing a problem (probably due to how they are being used by Pidgin).

John Ogness

Dazuko Maintainer

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