hi all, Yesterday I installed dazuko3.0.0, and add two commands in /etc/rc.d/boot.local, in which the content is at the following: insmod /dazuko-3.0.0-birthday/build/kernel/dazuko.ko mount -t dazukofs -o dir=/usr/local /usr/local /usr/local
and concurrently I installed pidgin2.1.0 successfully, after I reboot my system, I found that dazuko was started successfully, but I could not invoke pidgin. When I ran pidgin, it indicated "Segmentation Fault". So I can only comment the above two commands in
boot.local file. I use dazuko to support my antivirus software which needs dazuko, so I must let dazuko start automatically priori to my antivirus software. That's why I add such commands in this file. Could you give me another way to solve it or do you have some patches to do it, thanks!