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Re: [GNU/consensus] [RFC][SH] User Data Manifesto

From: Patrick Anderson
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] [RFC][SH] User Data Manifesto
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 10:10:29 -0700

I would add of this to #3 (the Terms of Operation may need to be a
separate document):

It is recommended users pool their money to buy hardware together and
have real co-ownership in a shared server.  A Terms of Operation for
this joint ownership would have these constraints:

A.) Product is the owner's reward.  This means the purpose of the
property is to receive the outputs of that production - which would be
storage and computing power in this case.  This allows us to avoid
buying or selling the product since we own it already - as a
side-effect of our co-owning the inputs.

B.) Profit is the payer's investment.  This means if the group allows
non-owners to use the server, those latecomers will gain co-ownership
in the growth of that facility when paying more than the real costs of

C.) Promise-to-work is a type of investment.  This means the people
who install and maintain the equipment gain co-ownership when they
commit to do that work.  This allows us to avoid paying wages in the
traditional sense but still compensate workers.

D.) Any subgroup my secede for any purpose.  This means when there is
a conflict of interests, the Tyranny of the Majority is avoided by
splitting the facility and allowing each subgroup to retain their
co-ownership in that new, smaller group.

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