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Re: [GNU/consensus] [RFC][SH] User Data Manifesto

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] [RFC][SH] User Data Manifesto
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 15:02:40 -0500

    It is recommended users pool their money to buy hardware together and
    have real co-ownership in a shared server.  A Terms of Operation for
    this joint ownership would have these constraints:

    A.) Product is the owner's reward.  This means the purpose of the
    property is to receive the outputs of that production - which would be
    storage and computing power in this case.  This allows us to avoid
    buying or selling the product since we own it already - as a
    side-effect of our co-owning the inputs.

    B.) Profit is the payer's investment.  This means if the group allows
    non-owners to use the server, those latecomers will gain co-ownership
    in the growth of that facility when paying more than the real costs of

This writing is very hard to understand and very abstract.
I don't know what it means in concrete terms, so I have to reject it.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
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