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[Commit-gnuradio] r7549 - in usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga

From: matt
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r7549 - in usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga: eth eth/rtl/verilog eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_rx top/u2_basic
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 21:15:41 -0700 (MST)

Author: matt
Date: 2008-02-03 21:15:41 -0700 (Sun, 03 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 7549

seems to be mostly working, with 2 extra lines

Modified: usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v
--- usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v    
2008-02-04 03:54:52 UTC (rev 7548)
+++ usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v    
2008-02-04 04:15:41 UTC (rev 7549)
@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
 module mac_rxfifo_int
   (input clk, input rst,
-   input Rx_mac_ra,
+   input Rx_mac_empty,
    output Rx_mac_rd,
    input [31:0] Rx_mac_data,
    input [1:0] Rx_mac_BE,
-   input Rx_mac_pa,
    input Rx_mac_sop,
    input Rx_mac_eop,
    input Rx_mac_err,
@@ -18,27 +17,54 @@
    input wr_ready_i,
    input wr_full_i);
-   // From Claus -- 
-   // The _BE fields are only valid when _eop is asserted. 
-   // 00 means all 4 bytes are valid, 01 means 1 byte (bit 31:24), 10 means 2 
bytes, 11 means 3 bytes. 
-   // This goes for both Tx and Rx direction. 
+   // Write side of short FIFO
+   //   Inputs: full, Rx_mac_empty, Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_err, 
+   //   Controls: write, datain, Rx_mac_rd
-   // Outputs -- Rx_mac_rd, wr_write_o, wr_done_o, wr_error_o
+   wire  write, full, read, empty, sop_o, eop_o, error_o;
-   reg          xfer_active;
+   // Write side of short FIFO
+   assign write = ~full & ~Rx_mac_empty;
+   assign Rx_mac_rd = write;
+   shortfifo #(.WIDTH(35)) mac_rx_sfifo
+     (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.clear(0),
+      .dataout({sop_o,eop_o,error_o,wr_dat_o}),.read(read),.empty(empty) );
+   // Read side of short FIFO
+   //    Inputs:    empty, dataout, wr_ready_i, wr_full_i
+   //    Controls:  read, wr_dat_o, wr_write_o, wr_done_o, wr_error_o
+   reg [1:0] rd_state;
+   localparam RD_IDLE = 0;
+   localparam RD_HAVEPKT = 1;
+   localparam RD_XFER = 2;
+   localparam RD_ERROR = 3;
    always @(posedge clk)
-       xfer_active <= 0;
-     else if(wr_ready_i & Rx_mac_ra)
-       xfer_active <= 1;
-     else if(Rx_mac_eop | Rx_mac_err)
-       xfer_active <= 0;
+       rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
+     else
+       case(rd_state)
+        RD_IDLE :
+          if(sop_o & ~empty)
+            rd_state <= RD_HAVEPKT;
+        RD_HAVEPKT :
+          if(wr_ready_i)
+            rd_state <= RD_XFER;
+        RD_XFER :
+          if(eop_o & ~empty)
+            rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
+          else if(wr_full_i)
+            rd_state <= RD_HAVEPKT;
+        RD_ERROR :
+          rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
+       endcase // case(rd_state)
-   assign Rx_mac_rd = xfer_active;
-   assign wr_write_o = Rx_mac_pa;
-   assign wr_done_o = Rx_mac_eop;
-   assign wr_error_o = Rx_mac_err;
-   assign wr_dat_o = Rx_mac_data;
+   assign     read = ~empty & ((rd_state == RD_XFER) | 
+   assign     wr_write_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER);
+   assign     wr_done_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER)  & eop_o;
+   assign     wr_error_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER) & error_o;
 endmodule // mac_rxfifo_int

    2008-02-04 03:54:52 UTC (rev 7548)
    2008-02-04 04:15:41 UTC (rev 7549)
@@ -47,9 +47,8 @@
      input         Fifo_data_en,
      output        Fifo_full,
      input         Fifo_data_err,
-     input         Fifo_data_drop,
      input         Fifo_data_end,
-     output reg [15:0] Fifo_space,
+     output [15:0] Fifo_space,
      // CPU
      input         RX_APPEND_CRC,
@@ -57,613 +56,119 @@
      input [4:0]   Rx_Lwmark,
      // User interface 
-     output reg    Rx_mac_ra,
+     output        Rx_mac_empty,
      input         Rx_mac_rd,
      output [31:0] Rx_mac_data,
      output [1:0]  Rx_mac_BE,
-     output reg    Rx_mac_pa,
-     output reg    Rx_mac_sop,
-     output        Rx_mac_err,
-     output        Rx_mac_eop );
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Internal signals                                                          
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     output        Rx_mac_sop,
+     output        Rx_mac_eop,
+     output        Rx_mac_err
+     );
-  localparam State_byte3   = 4'h0;      
-  localparam State_byte2   = 4'h1;
-  localparam State_byte1   = 4'h2;      
-  localparam State_byte0   = 4'h3;
-  localparam State_be0     = 4'h4;
-  localparam State_be3     = 4'h5;
-  localparam State_be2     = 4'h6;
-  localparam State_be1     = 4'h7;
-  localparam State_err     = 4'h8;
-  localparam State_err_end = 4'h9;
-  localparam State_idle    = 4'ha;
-  localparam SYS_read      = 3'd0;
-  localparam SYS_pause     = 3'd1;
-  localparam SYS_wait_end  = 3'd2;
-  localparam SYS_idle      = 3'd3;
-  localparam SYS_empty_err = 3'd4;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr_ungray;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr_ungray_next;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr_gray;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr_gray_dl1;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_wr_reg;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_rd;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_rd_gray;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_rd_gray_dl1;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_rd_ungray;
-  reg [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0]  Add_rd_ungray_next;
-  reg [35:0]                  Din;
-  reg [35:0]                  Din_tmp;
-  reg [31:0]                  Din_tmp_reg;
-  wire [35:0]                 Dout;
-  reg                         Wr_en;
-  reg                         Wr_en_tmp;
-  reg                         Wr_en_ptr;
-  wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] Add_wr_plus4;
-  wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] Add_wr_plus3;
-  wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] Add_wr_plus2;
-  wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] Add_wr_plus1;
-  reg                         Full;
-  reg                         Almost_full;
-  reg       Empty;
-  reg [3:0] Current_state;
-  reg [2:0] Current_state_SYS;
-  reg [5:0] Packet_number_inFF;
-  reg [3:0] Next_state;
-  reg [7:0] Fifo_data_byte1;
-  reg [7:0] Fifo_data_byte2;
-  reg [7:0] Fifo_data_byte3;
-  reg       Fifo_data_en_dl1;
-  reg [7:0] Fifo_data_dl1;
-  reg       Rx_mac_sop_pre1, Rx_mac_sop_pre2;
-  reg [2:0] Next_state_SYS;
-  reg       Packet_number_sub;
-  wire      Packet_number_add_edge;
-  reg       Packet_number_add_dl1;
-  reg       Packet_number_add_dl2;
-  reg       Packet_number_add;
-  reg       Packet_number_add_tmp;
-  reg       Packet_number_add_tmp_dl1;
-  reg       Packet_number_add_tmp_dl2;
-  reg [35:0] Dout_dl1;
-  reg [4:0]  Fifo_data_count;
-  reg        Rx_mac_pa_pre;
-  reg        Add_wr_jump_tmp;
-  reg        Add_wr_jump_tmp_pl1;
-  reg        Add_wr_jump;
-  reg        Add_wr_jump_rd_pl1;
-  reg [4:0]  Rx_Hwmark_pl;
-  reg [4:0]  Rx_Lwmark_pl;
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // domain Clk_MAC,write data to dprom.a-port for write
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if (Reset)
-      Current_state <=State_idle;
-    else
-      Current_state <=Next_state;
-  // Delay two clocks to match delay in Current_state FSM
-  // NB: Fifo_data_error and Fifo_data_drop have same timing. The latter can
-  //     only be asserted when the former is also asserted
-  reg [1:0] Fifo_data_drop_delayed;
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Fifo_data_drop_delayed <= 2'b00;
-    else
-      Fifo_data_drop_delayed <= { Fifo_data_drop_delayed[0], Fifo_data_drop };
-  always @( Current_state or Fifo_data_en or Fifo_data_err or Fifo_data_end )
-    case ( Current_state )
-      State_idle:
-        if ( Fifo_data_en )
-          Next_state = State_byte3;
-        else
-          Next_state = Current_state;
-      State_byte3:
-        if ( Fifo_data_en )
-          Next_state = State_byte2;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_err )
-          Next_state = State_err;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_end )
-          Next_state = State_be1;
-        else
-          Next_state = Current_state;
-      State_byte2:
-        if ( Fifo_data_en )
-          Next_state = State_byte1;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_err )
-          Next_state = State_err;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_end )
-          Next_state = State_be2;
-        else
-          Next_state = Current_state;
-      State_byte1:
-        if ( Fifo_data_en )
-          Next_state = State_byte0;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_err )
-          Next_state = State_err;
-        else if (Fifo_data_end )
-          Next_state = State_be3;
-        else
-          Next_state = Current_state;
-      State_byte0:
-        if ( Fifo_data_en )
-          Next_state = State_byte3;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_err )
-          Next_state = State_err;
-        else if ( Fifo_data_end )
-          Next_state = State_be0;
-        else
-          Next_state = Current_state;
-      State_be0,
-      State_be1,
-      State_be2,
-      State_be3:
-        Next_state = State_idle;
-      State_err:
-        Next_state = State_err_end;
-      State_err_end:
-        Next_state = State_idle;
-      default:
-        Next_state = State_idle;                
-    endcase
-  // Save write pointer at the location where a new packet will start to allow 
-  // that packet entirely by reverting to this saved pointer!
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Add_wr_reg <=0;
-    else if ( Current_state==State_idle )
-      Add_wr_reg <= Add_wr;
-  //
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Add_wr_gray <= 0;
-    else
-      begin : Add_wr_gray_loop
-        integer i;
-        Add_wr_gray[RX_FF_DEPTH-1] <= Add_wr[RX_FF_DEPTH-1];
-        for ( i=RX_FF_DEPTH-2; i>=0; i=i-1 )
-          Add_wr_gray[i] <= Add_wr[i+1] ^ Add_wr[i];
-      end
-  //
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Add_rd_gray_dl1 <= 0;
-    else
-      Add_rd_gray_dl1 <= Add_rd_gray;
-  // CFH: Rewritten to not depend on simulation order - extremely dangerous 
coding style!!!
-  always @( * )
-    begin : Add_rd_ungray_loop
-      integer i;
-      Add_rd_ungray_next[RX_FF_DEPTH-1] = Add_rd_gray_dl1[RX_FF_DEPTH-1];
-      for ( i=RX_FF_DEPTH-2; i>=0; i=i-1 )
-        Add_rd_ungray_next[i] = Add_rd_ungray_next[i+1] ^ Add_rd_gray_dl1[i];
-    end
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Add_rd_ungray <= 0;
-    else
-      Add_rd_ungray <= Add_rd_ungray_next;
-  assign Add_wr_plus1 = Add_wr + 1;
-  assign Add_wr_plus2 = Add_wr + 2;
-  assign Add_wr_plus3 = Add_wr + 3;
-  assign Add_wr_plus4 = Add_wr + 4;
-  always @ ( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Full <=0;
-    else if ( Add_wr_plus1==Add_rd_ungray )
-      Full <= 1;
-    else
-      Full <= 0;
-  always @ ( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Almost_full <= 0;
-    else if ( (Add_wr_plus4==Add_rd_ungray) ||
-              (Add_wr_plus3==Add_rd_ungray) ||
-              (Add_wr_plus2==Add_rd_ungray) ||
-              (Add_wr_plus1==Add_rd_ungray)
-            )
-      Almost_full <= 1;
-    else
-      Almost_full <= 0;
-  assign Fifo_full = Almost_full;
-   wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] fullness = Add_wr - Add_rd_ungray;
-   always @(posedge Clk_MAC)
-     Fifo_space <= (1<<RX_FF_DEPTH) - {{(16-RX_FF_DEPTH){1'b0}},fullness};
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      begin
-        Add_wr              <= 0;
-        Add_wr_jump         <= 0;
-        Add_wr_jump_tmp     <= 0;
-        Add_wr_jump_tmp_pl1 <= 0;
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        Add_wr_jump_tmp_pl1 <= Add_wr_jump_tmp;
-        if ( Fifo_data_drop_delayed[1] && (Current_state==State_err_end) )
-          begin
-            // Actually DROP the packet from the FIFO by reverting the FIFO 
write pointer!!!
-            Add_wr          <= Add_wr_reg;
-            Add_wr_jump     <= 1;
-            Add_wr_jump_tmp <= 1;
-          end
-        else
-          begin
-            if ( Wr_en && !Full )
-              Add_wr <= Add_wr +1;
-            if ( Add_wr_jump_tmp_pl1 )
-              Add_wr_jump <=0 ;
-            Add_wr_jump_tmp <= 0;
-          end
-      end
-  //
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      begin
-        Fifo_data_en_dl1 <= 0;
-        Fifo_data_dl1    <= 0;
-        Fifo_data_byte1  <= 0;
-        Fifo_data_byte2  <= 0;
-        Fifo_data_byte3  <= 0;
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        Fifo_data_en_dl1 <= Fifo_data_en;
-        Fifo_data_dl1 <= Fifo_data;
-        if ( (Current_state==State_byte1) && Fifo_data_en_dl1 )
-          Fifo_data_byte1 <= Fifo_data_dl1;
-        if ( (Current_state==State_byte2) && Fifo_data_en_dl1 )
-          Fifo_data_byte2 <= Fifo_data_dl1;
-        if ( (Current_state==State_byte3) && Fifo_data_en_dl1 )
-          Fifo_data_byte3 <= Fifo_data_dl1;
-      end
-  always @( * )
-    case ( Current_state )
-      State_be0:
-        Din_tmp = {4'b1000, Fifo_data_byte3, Fifo_data_byte2, Fifo_data_byte1, 
-      State_be1:
-        Din_tmp = {4'b1001, Fifo_data_byte3, 24'h0};
-      State_be2:
-        Din_tmp = {4'b1010, Fifo_data_byte3, Fifo_data_byte2, 16'h0};
-      State_be3:
-        Din_tmp = {4'b1011, Fifo_data_byte3, Fifo_data_byte2, Fifo_data_byte1, 
-      State_err:
-        begin
-//          $display( "%0t: Current_state=State_err, writing...", $time );
-          Din_tmp = {4'b1101, 32'h0};
-        end
-      default:
-        Din_tmp = {4'b0000, Fifo_data_byte3, Fifo_data_byte2, Fifo_data_byte1, 
-    endcase
-  always @( * )
-    if (  (Current_state==State_be0) || (Current_state==State_be1) ||
-          (Current_state==State_be2) || (Current_state==State_be3) ||
-          (Current_state==State_err) ||
-        ( (Current_state==State_byte0) && Fifo_data_en ) )
-      Wr_en_tmp = 1;
-    else
-      Wr_en_tmp = 0;
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Din_tmp_reg <= 0;
-    else if( Wr_en_tmp )
-      Din_tmp_reg <= Din_tmp[31:0];
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Wr_en_ptr <= 0;
-    else if( Current_state==State_idle )
-      Wr_en_ptr <= 0;
-    else if( Wr_en_tmp )
-      Wr_en_ptr <= 1;
-  // If not append FCS, delay one cycle write data and Wr_en signal to drop FCS
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      begin
-        Wr_en <= 0;
-        Din   <= 0;
-      end
-    else if( RX_APPEND_CRC )
-      begin
-        Wr_en <= Wr_en_tmp;
-        Din   <= Din_tmp;
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        Wr_en <= Wr_en_tmp && Wr_en_ptr;
-        Din   <= {Din_tmp[35:32], Din_tmp_reg[31:0]};
-      end                                 
-  // This signal for read side to handle the packet number in fifo
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Packet_number_add_tmp <= 0;
-    else if ( (Current_state==State_be0) || (Current_state==State_be1) ||
-              (Current_state==State_be2) || (Current_state==State_be3) ||
-              (Current_state==State_err) )
-      Packet_number_add_tmp <= 1;
-    else 
-        Packet_number_add_tmp <= 0;
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      begin
-        Packet_number_add_tmp_dl1 <= 0;
-        Packet_number_add_tmp_dl2 <= 0;
-      end
-    else
-      begin
-        Packet_number_add_tmp_dl1 <= Packet_number_add_tmp;
-        Packet_number_add_tmp_dl2 <= Packet_number_add_tmp_dl1;
-      end
-  // Packet_number_add delay to Din[35] is needed to make sure the data have 
been written to ram.
-  // expand to two cycles long almost=16 ns
-  // If the Clk_SYS period less than 16 ns ,this signal need to expand to 3 or 
more clock cycles
-  // CFH: TBD: piece of crap!!!!!!!
-  always @( posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset )
-    if ( Reset )
-      Packet_number_add <= 0;
-    else if ( Packet_number_add_tmp_dl1 || Packet_number_add_tmp_dl2 )
-      Packet_number_add <= 1;
-    else
-      Packet_number_add <= 0;
-   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   // Domain Clk_SYS,read data from dprom.b-port for read
-   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   reg [1:0]      FF_state;       
+   reg [2:0]      PKT_state;
+   reg [31:0]     staging;
+   reg [35:0]     staging2;
+   reg                    line_ready, line_ready_d1;
+   wire           sop_i, eop_i;
+   reg [1:0]      be;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Current_state_SYS <= SYS_idle;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset)
+     if(Reset)
+       FF_state <= 0;
-       Current_state_SYS <= Next_state_SYS;
+       if(Fifo_data_err | Fifo_data_end)
+        FF_state <= 0;
+       else if(Fifo_data_en)
+        FF_state <= FF_state + 1;
-   always @*
-     case ( Current_state_SYS )
-       SYS_idle:
-         if ( Rx_mac_rd && Rx_mac_ra && !Empty )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_read;
-         else if( Rx_mac_rd && Rx_mac_ra && Empty )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_empty_err;
-         else
-           Next_state_SYS = Current_state_SYS;
-       SYS_read:
-         if ( !Rx_mac_rd )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_pause;
-         else if ( Dout[35] )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_wait_end;
-         else if ( Empty )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_empty_err;
-         else
-           Next_state_SYS = Current_state_SYS;
-       SYS_pause:
-         if ( Rx_mac_rd )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_read;
-         else
-           Next_state_SYS = Current_state_SYS;
-       SYS_empty_err:
-         if ( !Empty )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_read;
-         else
-           Next_state_SYS = Current_state_SYS;
-       SYS_wait_end:
-         if ( !Rx_mac_rd )
-           Next_state_SYS = SYS_idle;
-         else
-           Next_state_SYS = Current_state_SYS;
-       default:
-         Next_state_SYS = SYS_idle;
-     endcase
-   // Gen Rx_mac_ra 
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       begin
-          Packet_number_add_dl1 <= 0;
-          Packet_number_add_dl2 <= 0;
-       end
-     else 
-       begin
-          Packet_number_add_dl1 <= Packet_number_add;
-          Packet_number_add_dl2 <= Packet_number_add_dl1;
-       end
-   assign Packet_number_add_edge = Packet_number_add_dl1 & 
-   always @( Current_state_SYS or Next_state_SYS )
-     if ( (Current_state_SYS==SYS_read) && (Next_state_SYS==SYS_wait_end) )
-       Packet_number_sub = 1;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset)
+     if(Reset)
+       staging[31:0] <= 0;
+     else if(Fifo_data_en)
+       case(FF_state)
+        0 : staging[31:24] <= Fifo_data;
+        1 : staging[23:16] <= Fifo_data;
+        2 : staging[15:8] <= Fifo_data;
+        3 : staging[7:0] <= Fifo_data;
+       endcase // case(FF_state)
+   localparam     PKT_idle = 0;
+   localparam     PKT_sop = 1;
+   localparam     PKT_pkt = 2;
+   localparam     PKT_end = 3;
+   localparam     PKT_err = 4;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC or posedge Reset)
+     if(Reset)
+       PKT_state <= 0;
-       Packet_number_sub = 0;
+       case(PKT_state)
+        PKT_idle :
+          if(Fifo_data_en)
+            PKT_state <= PKT_sop;
+        PKT_sop, PKT_pkt :
+          if(Fifo_data_err | (line_ready & Fifo_full))
+            PKT_state <= PKT_err;
+          else if(Fifo_data_end)
+            PKT_state <= PKT_end;
+          else if(line_ready & ~Fifo_full)
+            PKT_state <= PKT_pkt;
+        PKT_end :
+          PKT_state <= PKT_idle;
+        PKT_err :
+          if(~Fifo_full)
+            PKT_state <= PKT_idle;
+       endcase // case(PKT_state)
+   assign         sop_i = (PKT_state == PKT_sop);
+   assign         eop_i = (PKT_state == PKT_end);
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Packet_number_inFF <= 0;
-     else if ( Packet_number_add_edge && !Packet_number_sub )
-       Packet_number_inFF <= Packet_number_inFF + 1;
-     else if ( !Packet_number_add_edge && Packet_number_sub && 
(Packet_number_inFF!=0) )
-       Packet_number_inFF <= Packet_number_inFF - 1;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC)
+     if(line_ready)
+       staging2 <= {sop_i, eop_i, be[1:0], staging};
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Fifo_data_count <= 0;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC)
+     if(Reset)
+       line_ready <= 0;
+     else if((Fifo_data_en & (FF_state==2'd3)) | Fifo_data_end | Fifo_data_err)
+       line_ready <= 1;
-       Fifo_data_count <=
-                        Add_wr_ungray[RX_FF_DEPTH-1:RX_FF_DEPTH-5] -
-                        Add_rd[RX_FF_DEPTH-1:RX_FF_DEPTH-5]; 
+       line_ready <= 0;
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC)
+     line_ready_d1 <= line_ready;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       begin
-          Rx_Hwmark_pl <=0;
-          Rx_Lwmark_pl <=0;
-       end
+   always @(posedge Clk_MAC)
+     if(Fifo_data_end | Fifo_data_err)
+       be <= FF_state;
-       begin
-          Rx_Hwmark_pl <= Rx_Hwmark;
-          Rx_Lwmark_pl <= Rx_Lwmark;
-       end
+       be <= 0;
-   // Control Add_rd signal
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Add_rd <= 0;
-     else if ( (Current_state_SYS==SYS_read) && !Dout[35] )
-       Add_rd <= Add_rd + 1;
-   //
-   always @( posedge Reset or posedge Clk_SYS )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Add_rd_gray <= 0;
-     else
-       begin : Add_rd_gray_loop
-          integer i;
-          Add_rd_gray[RX_FF_DEPTH-1] <= Add_rd[RX_FF_DEPTH-1];
-          for ( i=RX_FF_DEPTH-2; i>=0; i=i-1 )
-            Add_rd_gray[i] <= Add_rd[i+1] ^ Add_rd[i];
-       end
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       begin
-          Add_wr_gray_dl1    <= 0;
-          Add_wr_jump_rd_pl1 <= 0;
-       end
-     else
-       begin
-          Add_wr_gray_dl1    <= Add_wr_gray;
-          Add_wr_jump_rd_pl1 <= Add_wr_jump;
-       end
-   // CFH: Rewritten to not depend on simulation order - extremely dangerous 
coding style!!!
-   always @( * )
-     begin : Add_wr_ungray_loop
-       integer i;
-       Add_wr_ungray_next[RX_FF_DEPTH-1] = Add_wr_gray_dl1[RX_FF_DEPTH-1];
-        for ( i=RX_FF_DEPTH-2; i>=0; i=i-1 )
-          Add_wr_ungray_next[i] = Add_wr_ungray_next[i+1] ^ Add_wr_gray_dl1[i];
-     end
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Add_wr_ungray <= 0;
-     else if ( !Add_wr_jump_rd_pl1 )
-       Add_wr_ungray <= Add_wr_ungray_next;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Empty <=1;
-     else if ( Add_rd==Add_wr_ungray )
-       Empty <= 1;
-     else
-       Empty <= 0;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Dout_dl1 <= 0;
-     else
-       Dout_dl1 <= Dout; 
-   assign     Rx_mac_data = Dout_dl1[31:0];  // No need for --> | 
-   assign     Rx_mac_BE   = Dout_dl1[33:32];
-   assign     Rx_mac_err  = Dout_dl1[34];
-   assign     Rx_mac_eop  = Dout_dl1[35];
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Rx_mac_ra <= 0;
-     else if ( (Packet_number_inFF==0) && (Fifo_data_count <= Rx_Lwmark_pl) )
-       Rx_mac_ra <=0;
-     else if ( (Packet_number_inFF >= 1) || (Fifo_data_count >= Rx_Hwmark_pl) )
-       Rx_mac_ra <= 1;
-   // Aligned to Addr_rd 
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Rx_mac_pa_pre <= 0;
-     else if ( (Current_state_SYS==SYS_read) && !Dout[35] )
-       Rx_mac_pa_pre <= 1;
-     else
-       Rx_mac_pa_pre <= 0;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Rx_mac_pa <= 0;
-     else 
-       Rx_mac_pa <= Rx_mac_pa_pre;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       Rx_mac_sop_pre2 <= 0;
-     else if ( (Current_state_SYS==SYS_idle) && (Next_state_SYS==SYS_read) )
-       Rx_mac_sop_pre2 <= 1;
-     else
-       Rx_mac_sop_pre2 <= 0;
+   wire           sop_o, eop_o, empty;
+   wire [1:0]     be_o;
+   wire [RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] occupied;
+   wire [31:0]            dataout;
+   fifo_2clock #(.DWIDTH(36),.AWIDTH(RX_FF_DEPTH)) mac_rx_fifo
+     (.wclk(Clk_MAC),.datain((PKT_state==PKT_err) ? 36'hF_FFFF_FFFF : 
staging2),.write(~Fifo_full & (line_ready_d1|(PKT_state==PKT_err))),
+      .full(Fifo_full),.level_wclk(occupied),
+      .empty(empty),.level_rclk(),
+      .arst(Reset) );
+   assign         Fifo_space[15:RX_FF_DEPTH] = 0;
+   assign         Fifo_space[RX_FF_DEPTH-1:0] = ~occupied;
-   always @( posedge Clk_SYS or posedge Reset )
-     if ( Reset )
-       begin
-          Rx_mac_sop_pre1 <= 0;
-          Rx_mac_sop      <= 0;
-       end
-     else 
-       begin
-          Rx_mac_sop_pre1 <= Rx_mac_sop_pre2;
-          Rx_mac_sop      <= Rx_mac_sop_pre1;
-       end
+   // mac side fifo interface
+   //   Input - Rx_mac_rd
+   //   Output - Rx_mac_empty, Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_err, 
Rx_mac_data, Rx_mac_BE
+   assign         Rx_mac_BE = be_o;
+   assign         Rx_mac_sop = sop_o & ~eop_o;
+   assign         Rx_mac_eop = eop_o;
+   assign         Rx_mac_err = sop_o & eop_o;
+   assign         Rx_mac_empty = empty;
+   assign         Rx_mac_data = dataout;
-   // Instantiation of dual-ported RAM
-   ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(36),.AWIDTH(RX_FF_DEPTH)) mac_rx_ff_ram
-     (.clka(Clk_MAC),.ena(1'b1),.wea(Wr_en),.addra(Add_wr),.dia(Din),.doa(),
.clkb(Clk_SYS),.enb(1'b1),.web(1'b0),.addrb(Add_rd),.dib(36'b0),.dob(Dout) );
 endmodule // MAC_rx_FF
+// FIXME  Should we send out an "almost full" signal instead of full?

Modified: usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_rx.v
--- usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_rx.v        
2008-02-04 03:54:52 UTC (rev 7548)
+++ usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_rx.v        
2008-02-04 04:15:41 UTC (rev 7549)
@@ -68,14 +68,13 @@
 output          pause_quanta_val,   
 output  [15:0]  rx_fifo_space,
                 //user interface 
-output          Rx_mac_ra   ,
+output          Rx_mac_empty,
 input           Rx_mac_rd   ,
 output  [31:0]  Rx_mac_data ,
 output  [1:0]   Rx_mac_BE   ,
-output          Rx_mac_pa   ,
 output          Rx_mac_sop  ,
+output          Rx_mac_eop  ,
 output          Rx_mac_err  ,
-output          Rx_mac_eop  ,
 input           MAC_rx_add_chk_en   ,   
 input   [7:0]   MAC_add_prom_data   ,   
@@ -95,7 +94,8 @@
 output  [15:0]  Rx_pkt_length_rmon      ,
 output          Rx_apply_rmon           ,
 output  [2:0]   Rx_pkt_err_type_rmon    ,
-output  [2:0]   Rx_pkt_type_rmon        
+output  [2:0]   Rx_pkt_type_rmon        ,
+     output [31:0] debug
 //internal signals                                                             
@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@
 .RX_MIN_LENGTH               (RX_MIN_LENGTH             )                      
+   assign      debug = {'d0, Fifo_data_en, Fifo_data_err, 
 .Reset                       (Reset                     ),
 .Clk_MAC                     (Clk                       ), 
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@
 .Fifo_data_en                (Fifo_data_en              ),
 .Fifo_full                   (Fifo_full                 ),
 .Fifo_data_err               (Fifo_data_err             ),
-.Fifo_data_drop              (Fifo_data_drop            ),
+//.Fifo_data_drop              (Fifo_data_drop            ),
 .Fifo_data_end               (Fifo_data_end             ),
 .Fifo_space                  (rx_fifo_space             ),                     
  //CPU                       (//CPU                     ),
@@ -183,14 +185,13 @@
 .Rx_Lwmark                   (Rx_Lwmark                 ),
 .RX_APPEND_CRC               (RX_APPEND_CRC             ),
  //user interface            (//user interface          ),
-.Rx_mac_ra                   (Rx_mac_ra                 ),
+.Rx_mac_empty                (Rx_mac_empty              ),
 .Rx_mac_rd                   (Rx_mac_rd                 ),
 .Rx_mac_data                 (Rx_mac_data               ), 
 .Rx_mac_BE                   (Rx_mac_BE                 ),
 .Rx_mac_sop                  (Rx_mac_sop                ), 
-.Rx_mac_pa                   (Rx_mac_pa                 ),
-.Rx_mac_err                  (Rx_mac_err                ),
-.Rx_mac_eop                  (Rx_mac_eop                ) 
+.Rx_mac_eop                  (Rx_mac_eop                ),
+.Rx_mac_err                  (Rx_mac_err                )
    Broadcast_filter U_Broadcast_filter

Modified: usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_top.v
--- usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_top.v       
2008-02-04 03:54:52 UTC (rev 7548)
+++ usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/eth/rtl/verilog/MAC_top.v       
2008-02-04 04:15:41 UTC (rev 7549)
@@ -71,14 +71,13 @@
   output        ACK_O, // Acknowledge output � single high pulse
   // User (packet) interface
-  output        Rx_mac_ra,
+  output        Rx_mac_empty,
   input         Rx_mac_rd,
   output [31:0] Rx_mac_data,
   output [1:0]  Rx_mac_BE,
-  output        Rx_mac_pa,
   output        Rx_mac_sop,
+  output        Rx_mac_eop,
   output        Rx_mac_err,
-  output        Rx_mac_eop,
   output        Tx_mac_wa,
   input         Tx_mac_wr,
@@ -109,6 +108,8 @@
      output [31:0] debug1
+   wire [31:0]            debug_rx;
   // Local declarations
@@ -227,14 +228,13 @@
     .rx_fifo_space            ( rx_fifo_space             ),
     // User interface
-    .Rx_mac_ra                ( Rx_mac_ra                 ),
+    .Rx_mac_empty             ( Rx_mac_empty              ),
     .Rx_mac_rd                ( Rx_mac_rd                 ),
     .Rx_mac_data              ( Rx_mac_data               ),
     .Rx_mac_BE                ( Rx_mac_BE                 ),
-    .Rx_mac_pa                ( Rx_mac_pa                 ),
     .Rx_mac_sop               ( Rx_mac_sop                ),
+    .Rx_mac_eop               ( Rx_mac_eop                ),
     .Rx_mac_err               ( Rx_mac_err                ),
-    .Rx_mac_eop               ( Rx_mac_eop                ),
     // CPU
     .MAC_rx_add_chk_en        ( MAC_rx_add_chk_en         ),
@@ -256,7 +256,8 @@
     .Rx_pkt_length_rmon       ( Rx_pkt_length_rmon        ),
     .Rx_apply_rmon            ( Rx_apply_rmon             ),
     .Rx_pkt_err_type_rmon     ( Rx_pkt_err_type_rmon      ),
-    .Rx_pkt_type_rmon         ( Rx_pkt_type_rmon          )
+    .Rx_pkt_type_rmon         ( Rx_pkt_type_rmon          ),
+             .debug(debug_rx)
@@ -504,8 +505,8 @@
     .UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg      ( UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg       )
-   assign debug0 = {{tx_pause_en,pause_apply, pause_quanta_sub, 
pause_quanta_val, xon_gen, xon_gen_complete, xoff_gen, xoff_gen_complete},
+   assign debug0 = {{debug_rx[3:0], xon_gen, xon_gen_complete, xoff_gen, 
    assign debug1 = 32'd0;

Modified: usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v
--- usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v 
2008-02-04 03:54:52 UTC (rev 7548)
+++ usrp2/branches/developers/matt/newfifo/fpga/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v 
2008-02-04 04:15:41 UTC (rev 7549)
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
    // Ethernet MAC  Slave #6
    wire         Tx_mac_wa, Tx_mac_wr, Tx_mac_sop, Tx_mac_eop;
-   wire         Rx_mac_ra, Rx_mac_rd, Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_pa, 
+   wire         Rx_mac_empty, Rx_mac_rd, Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_err;
    wire [31:0]          Tx_mac_data, Rx_mac_data;
    wire [1:0]   Tx_mac_BE, Rx_mac_BE;
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@
+       .Rx_mac_sop(Rx_mac_sop),.Rx_mac_eop(Rx_mac_eop),.Rx_mac_err(Rx_mac_err),
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
    mac_rxfifo_int mac_rxfifo_int
-      .Rx_mac_ra(Rx_mac_ra),.Rx_mac_rd(Rx_mac_rd),.Rx_mac_data(Rx_mac_data),
-      .Rx_mac_BE(Rx_mac_BE),.Rx_mac_pa(Rx_mac_pa),.Rx_mac_sop(Rx_mac_sop),
+      .Rx_mac_BE(Rx_mac_BE),.Rx_mac_sop(Rx_mac_sop),
       .wr_error_o(wr2_error),.wr_ready_i(wr2_ready),.wr_full_i(wr2_full) );
@@ -609,9 +609,10 @@
    assign        debug_clk[0] = wb_clk;
    assign        debug_clk[1] = dsp_clk;       
    assign        debug_gpio_0 = 32'd0;  // Not used b/c of ATR
-   assign        debug_gpio_1 = 
-                                 GMII_TXD,
-                                 GMII_RXD,
+   assign        debug_gpio_1 = 
+                                 //GMII_TXD,
+                                 //GMII_RXD,
+                                 {2'b0,iwb_adr[13:0]},
 endmodule // u2_basic

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