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Re: [Chicken-users] Re: objc egg v0.4

From: Alex Shinn
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: objc egg v0.4
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 19:29:31 -0600
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.10.1 (Watching The Wheels) SEMI/1.14.6 (Maruoka) FLIM/1.14.6 (Marutamachi) APEL/10.6 Emacs/21.3 (i386-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

At Sat, 28 Jan 2006 22:23:37 +0100, felix winkelmann wrote:
> An alternative would be some interface (web-based, or whatever)
> do manage eggs, their status and releases. Oh, and while we're at
> it: to-do lists, bug-reports, etc. Now if I just had more time...

I'm not sure if this is of interest to people, but the next release of
Common-Scheme will include support for normal eggs (not just those
that contain Common-Scheme modules), which allows for decentralized
and chained repositories.  So individual authors could manage their
eggs on their own site using their own preferred tools, and
call/ would just keep a pointer to their repositories.  Or you
could continue to keep things on one site.

There is also an "upgrade" command which scans and reinstalls any
modules that have been modified since the last install.  It's like
apt-get on steroids.  See,
and look for "The common-scheme Tool" section of the manual.

Feature suggestions and flames welcome.


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