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[Chicken-users] read-line

From: Joerg F. Wittenberger
Subject: [Chicken-users] read-line
Date: 10 Dec 2002 01:39:32 +0100


I found read-line working somewhat unexpected on network streams
(where the ^M^J or the "apple" line feed rule applies): it inserts
empty lines in between the line feed.

Anybody who objects this change, which understands any of:
 #\newline #\return 
 #\return #\newline
as line delimiter.  Sequences, though, should result in empty lines.



The worst of harm may often result from the best of intentions.

*** extras.scm.orig     Mon Dec  9 11:05:20 2002
--- extras.scm  Tue Dec 10 01:33:24 2002
*** 233,238 ****
--- 233,239 ----
  (define read-line
    (let ((read-char read-char)
+         (peek-char peek-char)
        (substring substring)
        (string-append string-append)
        (make-string make-string) )
*** 252,258 ****
                    (substring buffer 0 i) ) )
             (if (or (##core#inline "C_eqp" c #\newline)
                     (##core#inline "C_eqp" c #\return) )
!                (return (substring buffer 0 i)) ) 
             (if (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greater_or_equal_p" i len)
                   (set! buffer (string-append buffer (make-string 256)))
--- 253,265 ----
                    (substring buffer 0 i) ) )
             (if (or (##core#inline "C_eqp" c #\newline)
                     (##core#inline "C_eqp" c #\return) )
!                (begin
!                    (let ((c2 (peek-char p)))
!                      (if (and (not (##core#inline "C_eqp" c2 c))
!                               (or (##core#inline "C_eqp" c2 #\newline)
!                                   (##core#inline "C_eqp" c2 #\return) ))
!                          (read-char p)))
!                    (return (substring buffer 0 i))) ) 
             (if (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greater_or_equal_p" i len)
                   (set! buffer (string-append buffer (make-string 256)))

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