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Re: [Bug-XBoard] ics input box appears automatically

From: diffset
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] ics input box appears automatically
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2012 16:22:15 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.7.2 (Linux/3.1.10-1.9-desktop; KDE/4.7.2; x86_64; ; )

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012, 13:46:40 schrieb h.g. muller:
> At 13:02 4-7-2012 +0200, address@hidden wrote:
> >Then I strongly vote for -autoBox true|false instead ;)
> I already pushed the patch to the v4.6.x branch of the GNU repository.
> ( http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/xboard.git/log/?h=v4.6.x )
> If you want, you can download it, and install from source. (You would
> have to start with ./autogen.sh before the usual ./configure; make;
> sudo make install .)

That worked well, thanks.
> I have always had my doubts whether it would be wise to assign
> strongly irreversible commands like 'resign' to a single key.

I'm pretty well trained to hit that button only if necessary.
Regrettably, this is too often the case.
> In WinBoard the 'input box' is actually part of the window that
> displays the ICS output, like you propose. But XBoard uses the
> terminal window from which it was started for this purpose, and it has
> no control over how it looks, where it is positioned, whether it has
> focus or whatever. 

Yeah I know the problem with that.

> As a result WinBoard's ICS context menu also cannot work on XBoard. I
> did have a patch where the ICS output was displayed in the Input Box,
> above the input line. That would allow XBoard to react on clicks in
> the text, as it does with WinBoard (e.g. open a chat window with the
> person whose name you clicked). But unfortunately the Athena widget
> set on which XBoard is based does not seem to allow line-by-line
> coloring of the text in text widgets, which kind of torpedoed the
> idea...

which is probably why people started to port xboard to other gui
libraries like eboard with Qt (or was it called dboard?). But I always
came back to xboard.
> I don't like rlwrap much, because it repeats the line you are typing many
> times if ICS output appears while you were typing. With a separate
> input field you can type much more quietly. 

I once had my own poor man's implementation of rlwrap before I got aware
of rlwrap's existence. Of course I wasn't able to do it right because of
the difficult terminal emulation stuff. But it was this very feature
that the input line stays there even though there is ics output coming
in that made me love it immediately (I tend to write lenghty statements,
a fact that this email is a proof of). So I guess it's a matter of

> I must admit that I forgot about exactly why WB and XB are different
> here. I know I could not get it to work on one of them with a key used
> on the other. You could try to associate a KeyDown event on Tab with
> TempBackwardProc(), and a KeyUp event on Tab with TempForwardProc().

That worked fine. Thanks again. But those procedures are not yet
mentioned in the manual.

I might come up with more suggestions in the future as I was so well served


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