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Re: GNU make 4.2.90 release candidate available

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: GNU make 4.2.90 release candidate available
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:18:13 +0300

> From: Paul Smith <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden
> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 12:31:44 -0400
> I do it like this:
>   cd tests
>   .\run_make_tests.bat -make ..\WinRel\gnumake.exe
> so it runs the just-built make (else it will run whatever is on your
> PATH).
> IIRC there may be a failure or two on Windows I can't remember.

"One or two"?  I have 297 failures.  Many of them due to exit status
incompatibility, like this:

  features/include ........................................ Error running 
D:/gnu/make-4.2.90-guile/GccRel/gnumake.exe (expected 0; got 512): 
'D:/gnu/make-4.2.90-guile/GccRel/gnumake.exe' '-f' 'work/features/include.mk.9'

Do you have some special setup for running these tests, like some
special version of Perl or other shims?  (Does one need a Unixy shell
around, for example?)  Otherwise I don't understand how do you get
only a couple of failures.  I don't think the binary I built is broken
to such a degree.

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