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Re: XKB's keymaps for the Hurd console

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: XKB's keymaps for the Hurd console
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:28:26 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.12-2006-07-14


Diego Nieto Cid, le Tue 22 Mar 2011 18:32:52 -0300, a écrit :
> Finally, after doing some cleaning, here is the formal submission of the
> code resulting from integrating Marco Gerards' driver with the existing
> keyboard driver and fixing some bugs.


Since it's now using pc_kbd as a base, I guess key repeater is now
supported (xkb/README still says it's not)?  Also, README needs to be
updated to stop saying that you need to replace -d pc_kbd with -d xkb.

> Diego Nieto Cid (38):

Do you have assigned your copyrights on Hurd changes to the FSF?  This
is needed before your changes can be commited upstream.

The xkb/Compose file is compatible with usual Xorg Compose files, right?
I guess we don't want to ship it but rather use e.g.

Is there a reason not to use keysymdef.h installed by the Xorg x11proto
package rather than copying it?

I also guess xkb-data files could be used instead of shipping

It also seems to me like :kb/xkbdefaults.c could be generated at build
instead of shipped?

Rather than copy/pasting ks_table.h, kstoucs.c and symname.c, I'd rather
see the Hurd console simply depend on libX11, actually.


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