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diffh variant - contribution to diffutils

From: Ian Cottam
Subject: diffh variant - contribution to diffutils
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 13:08:18 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081105)

Attached is a variant on the old diffh - that can handle files of any length. It is not written to GNU coding guidelines, but if anyone wants to convert it, and share the credit, feel free.
-Ian Cottam
/* Ian Cottam, Manchester, May/June/July 2008; Donated to the Public Domain. No 
warranty of any kind. */

 * idiffh [-b|-w] [-zNumber] file1 file2
 * -b = ignore differences in amount of white space when comparing lines
 * -w = ignore all white space when comparing lines
 * -zNUmber = set the lookahead limit to Number (defaults to 100 lines). 
 * (The -z is more for development, but the odd user may find it helpful.)
 * If one looks at the GNU diff documentation, there isn't a very formal 
definition for
 * -b and -w, so you may see some behaviour that differs a little from diff.
 * I'm simply not sure which is correct. Treat them as a help, when needed, not 
a necessity.
 * idiffh is a diffh that may be useful for enormous text files and, perhaps, 
few differences.
 * i.e. files that, e.g., GNU diff cannot cope with. Note that you are just 
lucky if you get minimal
 * differences; the simple heuristics used do not guarantee such: the price you 
pay for being
 * able to compare enormous files of any length.
 * There are no arbitrary limits, such as a maximum line length or file size, 
but there is a necessary limit
 * on the "diff size" i.e. the amount of lines to readahead (to play with it: 
supply as -zNumber).
 * The 'best' value for the readahead bound depends on the input files. It 
defaults to 100 lines, which
 * should be reasonable in many cases. Text files are assumed.
 * Written to the C99 standard; there should not be (anything) UNIX specific. 
Well, if you -DUNIX when you compile,
 * it will catch SIGINT and delete the temporary files. I have tried a previous 
version on
 * Windows (mingw and lcc compilers), Linux (gcc) and Mac OS X (gcc, icc) where 
it was developed.
 * See below for Windows caveat.
 * If you are stuck with an older C compiler or run-time library, there are two 
things that may need changing:
 * a) "%zu" formats may not be supported, change to "%lu" or "%llu" and cast 
the size_t values; and
 * b) declarations and statements are mixed up (like C++), create extra blocks 
{ ... } or move the declarations.
 * The first of these is likely with any Windows-based compiler (for some 
reason); the second is likely to be OK.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

typedef int CompareFunc_t(const char *s1, const char * s2);
typedef CompareFunc_t *PtrCompareFunc_t;
/* normal compare is just builtin strcmp */
static  PtrCompareFunc_t comparefunction= strcmp;

static int  wcompare(const char *s1, const char * s2);
static int  bcompare(const char *s1, const char * s2);
static char *fgetline(FILE*);
static void exception(int failure, const char *fmt, ...);
static int  checkinsertdelete(const size_t bound, char *line1, char *line2, 
FILE *filen, char *direction, size_t *count, FILE *filem);
static void printtempfile(char *ed, size_t count1, size_t count2, size_t 
f2count1, size_t f2count2);
static int  synconnextline(FILE *file1, FILE *file2);
static void handlechangeline(size_t lcount, size_t f2lcount, char *line1, char 
static void outputremainder(FILE *file1, FILE *file2, char *line1, char *line2, 
size_t savedlcount, size_t lcount, size_t savedf2lcount, size_t f2lcount);

/* flags */
static int bflag= 0;    /* -b */
static int wflag= 0;    /* -w */

/* holds the possible output for an insertion or deletion */
static FILE *temp;
/* holds c lines from file1 */
static FILE *tempc1;
/* holds c lines from file2 */
static FILE *tempc2;

/* line count for file1 */
static size_t lcount= 0;
/* line count for file2 */
static size_t f2lcount= 0;

/* temp file names */
static char filetempname1 [L_tmpnam];
static char cfile1tempname[L_tmpnam];
static char cfile2tempname[L_tmpnam];

/* Usage */
static const char *usage = "usage: idiffh [-b|-w] [-zNumber] file1 file2";

/* UNIX like systems can clean up temp files on control-c */
#ifdef UNIX
#include <signal.h>
static void catchint(int signum) { remove(filetempname1); 
remove(cfile1tempname); remove(cfile2tempname); exit(signum?2:2); }
#define controlc()  signal(SIGINT, catchint)
#define controlc()

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  size_t savedlcount= 0;                     /* for restoring lcount if we 
backtrack */
  size_t savedf2lcount= 0;                   /* for restoring f2lcount if we 
backtrack */
  char *line1, *line2;                       /* current lines from file1 and 
file2 */
  fpos_t backtrackpoint;                     /* file1 or file2 point to 
backtrack to */
  int rv= 0;                                 /* 0 OK and no diffs, 1 OK and 
diffs, 2 trouble */
  int ex;                                    /* for checking return codes */
  unsigned int bounded= 100;                 /* bound for readahead - may be 
supplied via -zNumber */
  unsigned int f1= 0, f2= 0;                 /* argv[f1] is first filename, 
argv[f2] is second */

  errno= 0;
  { /* Process arguments */
    int i;
    exception(argc < 3, usage);
    for (i= 1; i != argc; ++i) {
      if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
        /* handle optional switches */
        switch (argv[i][1]) {
          exception(1, usage); 
        case 0:
          exception(1, "sorry, standard input can't be used because we need 
random file access");
        case 'b':
          exception(strcmp(argv[i], "-b") != 0, usage);
          bflag= 1;
          comparefunction= bcompare;
        case 'w':
          exception(strcmp(argv[i], "-w") != 0, usage);
          wflag= 1;
          comparefunction= wcompare;
        case 'z': {
          unsigned int j; char *limit= &argv[i][2]; unsigned int len= 
          for (j= 0; j != len; ++j) exception(!isdigit(limit[j]), "non digit 
supplied in -zNumber: %s", argv[i]);
          ex= sscanf(limit, "%u", &bounded);
          exception(ex == EOF, usage);
          exception(bounded < 100 || bounded > 1000, "limit to readahead 
supplied with -zNumber cannot be <100 or >1000");
      } else {
        /* should be exactly two filenames or error */
        if (f1 == 0) f1= i; else if (f2 == 0) f2= i; else exception(1, usage);
    /* very silly to supply both -b and -w */
    exception(bflag && wflag, usage);
    /* must have seen precisely two filenames */
    exception(f2 == 0, usage);

  FILE *file1= fopen(argv[f1], "r"); exception(file1 == 0, "can't open %s", 
  FILE *file2= fopen(argv[f2], "r"); exception(file2 == 0, "can't open %s", 

  /* create temporary file names */
  tmpnam(filetempname1); tmpnam(cfile1tempname); tmpnam(cfile2tempname);

  /* clean up on interrupt if UNIX-like */

  /* print any line diffs until one or both files exhausted */
  while (line1= fgetline(file1), line2= fgetline(file2), (line1 != 0 && line2 
!= 0)) { /* main loop */
    ++lcount, ++f2lcount;

    if ((*comparefunction)(line1, line2) != 0) { /* i.e. the lines differ */
      rv= 1;
      /* remember file2 position before we check for insert */
      savedf2lcount= f2lcount;
      ex= fgetpos(file2, &backtrackpoint);     exception(ex != 0, "failed to 
set backtrack position in %s", argv[f2]);
      if (checkinsertdelete(bounded, line1, line2, file2, ">", &f2lcount, 
         printtempfile("a", lcount-1, lcount-1, savedf2lcount, f2lcount-1);
      else {
        /* restore file2 pos */
        ex= fsetpos(file2, &backtrackpoint);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to 
restore backtrack position in %s", argv[f2]); 
        f2lcount= savedf2lcount;
        /* remember file1 position before we check for deletion */
        savedlcount= lcount; 
        ex= fgetpos(file1, &backtrackpoint);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to 
set backtrack position in %s", argv[f1]);
        if (checkinsertdelete(bounded, line1, line2, file1, "<", &lcount, 
           printtempfile("d", savedlcount, lcount-1, savedf2lcount-1, 
        else  {
          /* neither insertion nor deletion as far as we can tell with our 
given readahead; restore file1 pos */
          ex= fsetpos(file1, &backtrackpoint); exception(ex != 0, "failed to 
restore backtrack position in %s", argv[f1]);
          lcount= savedlcount;
          /* just declare it a changed line */
          handlechangeline(lcount, f2lcount, line1, line2);
    free(line1); free(line2);

  exception(line1 == 0 && !feof(file1), "sorry, looks like out of memory or 
error reading %s", argv[f1]);
  exception(line2 == 0 && !feof(file2), "sorry, looks like out of memory or 
error reading %s", argv[f2]);

  /* flush any remaining c lines */
  handlechangeline(0, 0, "", "");  

  /* remaining lines if any - to be added or deleted at end */
  if (line1 != 0 || line2 != 0) { rv= 1; outputremainder(file1, file2, line1, 
line2, savedlcount, lcount, savedf2lcount, f2lcount); }

  remove(filetempname1); remove(cfile1tempname); remove(cfile2tempname);
  return rv; 

/* Auxiliary functions */

 * One file has more lines than the other - output a or d lines as appropriate
static void outputremainder(FILE *file1, FILE *file2, char *line1, char *line2, 
size_t savedlcount, size_t lcount, size_t savedf2lcount, size_t f2lcount)
  char *line= (line1 == 0) ? line2 : line1; int ex;
  errno= 0;
  temp= fopen(filetempname1, "w"); exception(temp == 0, "can't open temporary 
file for writing: %s", filetempname1);
  fputs(line, temp); free(line);
  if (line1 == 0) { /* means it is an "a" of lines from file2; need to buffer 
up lines to count them */
    savedf2lcount= f2lcount;
    while (line= fgetline(file2), line != 0) { ++f2lcount; fputs(line, temp); 
free(line); }
  } else {          /* means it is a  "d" of lines from file1; need to buffer 
up lines to count them */
    savedlcount= lcount;
    while (line= fgetline(file1), line != 0) { ++lcount; fputs(line, temp); 
free(line); }
  exception(!feof(line1 == 0 ? file2 : file1), "sorry, looks like out of memory 
or error reading extra lines");
  exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure while attempting to 
process extra lines");
  ex= fclose(temp);  exception(ex != 0, "failed to close temporary file 
successfully: %s", filetempname1);
  if (line1 == 0) printtempfile("a", lcount, lcount, savedf2lcount+1, 
f2lcount+1); else printtempfile("d", savedlcount+1, lcount+1, f2lcount, 

 * batch up consecutive c lines
 * if consecutive, add to temp files
 * if not consecutive, flush current and restart batch
 * if called as handlechangeline(0,0,"","") it is just to flush the batch
static void handlechangeline(size_t lcount, size_t f2lcount, char *line1, char 
  static size_t firstl1= 0, firstl2= 0, lastl1= 0, lastl2= 0; int ex;
  errno= 0;
  /* case of first time through and not a flush call */
  if (firstl1 == 0 && lcount != 0) {
    firstl1= lcount; lastl1= lcount; firstl2= f2lcount; lastl2= f2lcount;
    tempc1= fopen(cfile1tempname, "w+"); exception(tempc1 == 0, "failed to open 
temp file: %s", cfile1tempname);
    tempc2= fopen(cfile2tempname, "w+"); exception(tempc2 == 0, "failed to open 
temp file: %s", cfile2tempname);
    fprintf(tempc1, "< %s", line1); fprintf(tempc2, "> %s", line2);
    exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure handling a c line");
  /* case of consecutive c lines */
  if (lastl1+1 == lcount) {
    ++lastl1; ++lastl2;
    fprintf(tempc1, "< %s", line1); fprintf(tempc2, "> %s", line2);
    exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure handling a c line");
  /* case of non consecutive c line, so there may be some to print */
  /* guard below is for when we call, to flush, with no ourstanding c lines */
  if (firstl1 != 0)  {
      char *l1, *l2;
      if (firstl1 == lastl1) printf("%zuc%zu\n", firstl1, firstl2); else 
printf("%zu,%zuc%zu,%zu\n", firstl1, lastl1, firstl2, lastl2);
      while (l1= fgetline(tempc1), l1 != 0) { fputs(l1, stdout); free(l1); }
      exception(!feof(tempc1), "error reading temp file: %s", cfile1tempname);
      fputs("---\n", stdout);
      while (l2= fgetline(tempc2), l2 != 0) { fputs(l2, stdout); free(l2); }
      exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure handling a c line");
      exception(!feof(tempc2), "error reading temp file: %s", cfile2tempname);
      ex= fclose(tempc1);  exception(ex != 0, "failed to close temporary file 
successfully: %s", cfile1tempname);
      ex= fclose(tempc2);  exception(ex != 0, "failed to close temporary file 
successfully: %s", cfile2tempname);
      firstl1= 0; firstl2= 0; lastl1= 0; lastl2= 0;
      /* recurse to first case  */
      handlechangeline(lcount, f2lcount, line1, line2);

 * returns 1 iff an insertion or deletion, 0 otherwise
 * give up after bound readaheads
static int checkinsertdelete(const size_t bound, char *line1, char *line2, FILE 
*filen, char *direction, size_t *count, FILE *filem)
  size_t readahead= 0; int foundline= 1; char *line; int status= 0; int ex;
  errno= 0;
  /* open tmp file to write possible output too */
  temp= fopen(filetempname1, "w"); exception(temp == 0, "can't open temporary 
file for writing: %s", filetempname1);
  fputs(direction[0] == '>' ? line2 : line1, temp);
  do {
    /* try reading ahead to find a line that does match in file-n */
    while (++readahead, 
          line= fgetline(filen), 
          line != 0 && (foundline= comparefunction((direction[0] == '>') ? 
line1 : line2, line), foundline != 0) && readahead != bound) {
      *count += 1;
      fputs(line, temp);
    exception(line == 0 && !feof(filen), "sorry, looks like out of memory or 
error reading file");
    if (readahead == bound && foundline != 0 && line != 0) fputs(line, temp);
    if (line != 0) {
      *count += 1;
      if (foundline == 0 && synconnextline(filen, filem)) { /* peek ahead 
another line to double check sync point */
        status= 1;
        readahead= bound;
  } while (readahead < bound && line != 0);
  ex= fclose(temp);  exception(ex != 0, "failed to close temporary file 
successfully: %s", filetempname1);
  exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure processing a/d chunk");
  return status;

 * return 1 iff we can also sync the files
 * on the next line after already finding
 * one match (with checkinsertdelete); 0 otherwise
static int synconnextline(FILE *file1, FILE *file2)
  char *line1, *line2;
  fpos_t backtrackpoint1, backtrackpoint2;
  int status= 0, ex;
  ex= fgetpos(file1, &backtrackpoint1);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to set 
backtrack point");
  ex= fgetpos(file2, &backtrackpoint2);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to set 
backtrack point");
  line1= fgetline(file1); line2= fgetline(file2);
  if (line1 != 0 && line2 != 0) status= comparefunction(line1, line2) == 0; 
else status= 1;
  if (line1 != 0) free(line1);
  if (line2 != 0) free(line2);
  ex= fsetpos(file1, &backtrackpoint1);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to reset 
backtrack point");
  ex= fsetpos(file2, &backtrackpoint2);   exception(ex != 0, "failed to reset 
backtrack point");
  return status;

 * print the tempfile to stdout
static void printtempfile(char *ed, size_t count1, size_t count2, size_t 
f2count1, size_t f2count2)
  char *line; int ex;
  handlechangeline(0, 0, "", "");  /* first flush any previous c lines */
  errno= 0;
  temp= fopen(filetempname1, "r"); exception(temp == 0, "error opening 
temporary file for reading: %s", filetempname1);
  if (count1 != count2)  printf("%zu,%zu%s", count1, count2, ed); else 
printf("%zu%s", count1, ed);
  if (f2count1 != f2count2) printf("%zu,%zu\n", f2count1, f2count2); else 
printf("%zu\n", f2count1);
  while (line= fgetline(temp), line != 0) { printf("%s%s", (ed[0] == 'a') ? "> 
" : "< ", line); free(line); }
  exception(errno != 0, "sorry looks like I/O failure attempting to print a/d 
  exception(!feof(temp), "out of memory or error reading temporary file: %s", 
  ex= fclose(temp);  exception(ex != 0, "failed to close temporary file 
successfully: %s", filetempname1);

 * Prints error message, tidies up and exits
static void exception(int failure, const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list args;
  if (!failure) return;
  if (errno != 0) perror("idiffh (library routine reporting error)");
  va_start(args, fmt);
  fprintf(stderr, "idiffh: ");
  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

 * Compare two strings for equality ignoring white space
 * returns 0 iff match.
 * Mimic diff -w.
static int wcompare(const char *s1, const char * s2)
  /* we assume most lines are equal, so we use strcmp first */
  if (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0) return 0;
  /* lines differ, so we have to look at white space */
  size_t i= 0, j= 0;
  for (;;) {
    while(isspace(s1[i])) ++i;
    while(isspace(s2[j])) ++j;
    if (s1[i] != s2[j]) return 1;
    if (s1[i] == '\0' || s2[j] == '\0') break;
    ++i, ++j;
  return !(s1[i] == s2[j]);

 * Compare two strings for equality ignoring differences in white space
 * returns 0 iff match.
 * Mimic diff -b.
static int bcompare(const char *s1, const char * s2)
  /* we assume most lines are equal, so we use strcmp first */
  if (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0) return 0;
  /* lines differ, so we have to look at white space */
  size_t i= 0, j= 0;
  for (;;) {
    if (isspace(s1[i])) {
      if (!isspace(s2[j])) return 1;
      ++i, ++j;
      while(isspace(s1[i])) ++i;
      while(isspace(s2[j])) ++j;
    if (s1[i] != s2[j]) return 1;
    if (s1[i] == '\0' || s2[j] == '\0') break;
    ++i, ++j;
  return !(s1[i] == s2[j]);

 *  returns a pointer to the start of a line read
 *  from f, or the null pointer on any error or eof.
 *  Like fgets(), you may well want to get rid of the
 *  \n at the end (if any), and check feof(f)! This is
 *  not a wonderful interface, but it mimics fgets().
 *  Caller should free memory.
#ifdef FGETLN
/* May well be the case that only BSD based systems (including Mac OS X) have 
fgetln() */

static char *fgetline(FILE *f)
  size_t len;
  char *line= fgetln(f, &len);
  if (line == 0) return 0;
  char *buf= malloc(len+1);
  if (buf == 0) return 0;
  memcpy(buf, line, len);
  buf[len]= '\0';
  return buf;


#ifndef FGETLN
static char *fgetline(FILE *f)
  int ch;
  size_t length= 0;
  size_t buffer_length= FGETLINE_BUFFSIZE;
  char *new, *buffer= malloc(buffer_length);
  if (buffer == 0) return 0;
  while (ch= getc(f), ch != EOF) {
    buffer[length]= (char)ch;
    if (length == buffer_length) {
      buffer_length += FGETLINE_BUFFSIZE;
      if (new= realloc(buffer, buffer_length), new == 0) { free(buffer); return 
0; }
      buffer= new;
    if (ch == '\n') break;
  } /* ch == EOF || ch == '\n' */
  /* check for EOF */
  if (length == 0 || ferror(f)) { free(buffer); return 0; }
  buffer[length]= '\0';
  return buffer;

--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: diffh Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 17:06:42 -0600
Hi Ian,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

   I have written a modern version of the old diffh.


    Would it be of interest to the GNU project?  

I expect it would make sense to be part of diffutils.  The problem is
that the diffutils maintainer is overloaded and isn't likely to be able
to work on it any time soon.  See below.
    It is currently just public domain but I could do a version that
    came with the GPL.

Public domain seems ok.

    It is here
    if you want to have a look. 

Since that's only about 18k, my best suggestion is for you to post the
actual code to bug-diffutils with a Subject: that includes diffutils, so
it will end up in the archives and can be considered in due course.

If you don't feel like taking the time, I'll be happy to do it ...

    It wasn't written to GNU style or
    codeing conventions.

Well, that won't make it any easier to integrate, but something is
always better than nothing :).


--- End Message ---

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