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Gettext for the Windows cross-build of linux app - strategy question

From: David Bruce
Subject: Gettext for the Windows cross-build of linux app - strategy question
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 20:22:50 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Hi Bruno and colleagues,

Now that gettext works great on the Linux build of TuxMath, I am trying to get 
the Windows cross-build internationalized.  My program is cross-compiled on 
my Debian machine using mingw32, and then packaged into an executable 
win/woe32 installer file with NSIS, so there isn't a unix-type "make install" 
being run on the windows machine. Questions:

1. My project contains the intl directory, which appears to get built during 
the cross-compile - does this avoid the need for any gettext-related dll's? 
My program runs under Windows without errors, including a test call of 
gettext() (admittedly, on Windows I don't have ltrace to see if it actually 
calls anything).

2. Of course, I need to install the .mo files before gettext actually 
translates anything. My program is self-contained within its own directory, 
with a 'data' directory under it. From reading the manual and Googling, I 
think I should be able to put a "locales/$(LANG)/tuxmath.mo" tree into my 
app's folder, and adjust the call to bindtextdomain() as needed.  Is this a 
good approach?

Thanks for any suggestions!

David Bruce

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