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Re: xgettext problems since upgrade to 0.15

From: Jens A. Tkotz
Subject: Re: xgettext problems since upgrade to 0.15
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 23:01:52 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)


attached 2 of them.



Bruno Haible schrieb:

Jens A. Tkotz wrote:
since upgrading to gettext 0.15 i have the problem, that A LOT phrases are
not recognized.
This is the command i use:

xgettext --files-from=filelist-core -LPHP --keyword=gTranslate:2,3 --no-wrap

Attached you find the filelist-core.

A few details changed (the handling of here documents, support for
non-ASCII characters in functions names), but nothing that could explain
the omission of "a lot of phrases".

Can you please show one .php input file on which xgettext 0.15 extracts
less strings than xgettext 0.14.x?


   session->username)) { /* Get the cached version if possible */ $cache_file =
   "cache.html"; if (!getRequestVar('gallery_nocache')) { $cache_now = time();
   "cache.html"); foreach ($cacheFileBaseNames as $cache_file_basename) {
   $cache_file  =  dirname(__FILE__)  .  '/'  .  $cache_file_basename; if
   (fs_file_exists($cache_file))  {  $cache_stat = @stat($cache_file); if
   ($cache_now - $cache_stat[9] < (20 * 60)) { if ($fp = fopen($cache_file,
   "rb"))  {  while (!feof($fp)) { print fread($fp, 4096); } fclose($fp);
   printf("", $cache_file_basename, strftime("%D %T", $cache_stat[9])); return;
   } } } } } } $gallery->session->offlineAlbums["albums.php"] = true; /* Read
   the     album    list    */    $albumDB    =    new    AlbumDB(FALSE);
   $gallery->session->albumName = ''; $page = 1; /* If there are albums in our
   list, display them in the table */ list ($numPhotos, $numAccess, $numAlbums)
   =           $albumDB->numAccessibleItems($gallery->user);           if
   <   1)   {   $gallery->session->albumListPage   =   1;  }  $perPage  =
   $gallery->app->albumsPerPage; $maxPages = max(ceil($numAlbums / $perPage),
   1);    if    ($gallery->session->albumListPage    >    $maxPages)    {
   $gallery->session->albumListPage   =   $maxPages;   }  $borderColor  =
   $gallery->app->default["bordercolor"];       $navigator["page"]      =
   $gallery->session->albumListPage;        $navigator["pageVar"]       =
   "set_albumListPage"; $navigator["url"] = makeGalleryUrl("albums.php");
   $navigator["maxPages"]   =   $maxPages;   $navigator["spread"]   =  6;
   $navigator["fullWidth"]   =   100;   $navigator["widthUnits"]  =  "%";
   $navigator["bordercolor"] = $borderColor; // this determines if we display
   "* Item contains a comment" at end of page $displayCommentLegend = 0; /*
   Admin Text (left side) */ $adminText = ''; if ($numAccess == $numAlbums) {
   $toplevel_str = gTranslate( 'core', "1 album","%d albums", $numAlbums,
   gTranslate('core',  "no  albums"),  true  );  } else { $toplevel_str =
   gTranslate( 'core', "1 top-level album", "%d top-level albums", $numAlbums,
   gTranslate('core',  "No  top-level  albums"),  true  ); } $total_str =
   sprintf(gTranslate('core',  "%d  total"),  $numAccess);  $image_str  =
   gTranslate('core', "1 image", "%d images", $numPhotos, gTranslate('core',
   "no images"), true); $page_str = gTranslate('core', "1 page", "%d pages",
   $maxPages,  gTranslate('core',  "no pages"), true); if ( $numAccess !=
   $numAlbums && $maxPages > 1) { $adminText .= sprintf(gTranslate('core',"%s
   (%s), %s on %s"), $toplevel_str, $total_str, $image_str, $page_str ); } else
   if ($numAccess != $numAlbums) { $adminText .= sprintf(gTranslate('core', "%s
   (%s), %s"), $toplevel_str, $total_str, $image_str); } else if ($maxPages >
   1)  {  $adminText  .=  sprintf(gTranslate('core',  "%s,  %s  on  %s"),
   $toplevel_str,   $image_str,   $page_str);  }  else  {  $adminText  .=
   sprintf(gTranslate('core', "%s, %s"), $toplevel_str, $image_str); } if
   (!empty($gallery->app->stats_foruser) && $numPhotos != 0) { $adminText .=
   ". generateStatsLinks(); } /* Admin Text (right side) */ $adminCommands =
   '';  $iconElements  =  array();  if  ($gallery->user->isLoggedIn()  &&
   !$gallery->session->offline) { $displayName = $gallery->user->displayName();
   $adminCommands .= sprintf(gTranslate('core', "Welcome, %s"), $displayName) .
   "; } if ($gallery->app->gallery_slideshow_type != "off" && $numPhotos != 0)
   {   $iconElements[]   =  galleryLink(  makeGalleryUrl("slideshow.php",
   array("set_albumName" => null)), gTranslate('core', "sl_ideshow"), array(),
   'presentation.gif'   );  }  if  ($gallery->user->canCreateAlbums()  &&
   !$gallery->session->offline)    {   $iconElements[]   =   galleryLink(
   doCommand("new-album", array(), "view_album.php"), gTranslate('core', "_new
   album"),   array(),   'new_album.gif',   true   );   }   $loggedIn   =
   ($gallery->user->isLoggedIn()   &&   !$gallery->session->offline);  if
   ($loggedIn)    {   if   ($gallery->user->isAdmin())   {   $linkurl   =
   makeGalleryUrl('administer_startpage.php',  array('type' => 'popup'));
   $iconElements[] = popup_link( gTranslate('core', "administer fron_tpage"),
   $linkurl,   true,  true,  500,  500,  '',  '',  'unsortedList.gif'  );
   $iconElements[]   =   galleryLink(   makeGalleryUrl('admin-page.php'),
   gTranslate('core', "_admin page"), array(), 'admin.gif', true ); $docsUrl =
   galleryDocs('admin');  if  ($docsUrl) { $iconElements[] = galleryLink(
   $docsUrl, gTranslate('core', "_documentation"), array('target' => '_blank'),
   'docs.gif',  true  );  }  }  if  ($gallery->userDB->canModifyUser()) {
   $iconElements[]   =  popup_link(  gTranslate('core',  "_preferences"),
   'user_preferences.php', false, true, 500, 500, '','','preferences.gif' ); }
   }  $iconElements[]  =  LoginLogoutButton(doCommand("logout",  array(),
   "albums.php"));   if   (!$loggedIn   &&  !$GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE  &&
   $gallery->app->selfReg  ==  'yes')  {  $iconElements[]  =  popup_link(
   gTranslate('core', "_register"), 'register.php', false, true, 500, 500,
   '','','register.gif'    );    }    $adminbox["text"]   =   $adminText;
   $adminbox["commands"]  =  $adminCommands . makeIconMenu($iconElements,
   'right'); $adminbox["bordercolor"] = $borderColor; /** * Searchfield and
   when  inside  phpBB2  a  link  back  to  home  */  $searchBar = ''; if
   (!$gallery->session->offline && ( ($gallery->app->showSearchEngine == 'yes'
   && $numPhotos != 0) || $GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE == 'phpBB2')) { $searchBar =
   "\n". '

   '; $searchBar.= "\n"; if ($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE == 'phpBB2') { $searchBar
   .= "\n ". ' '. '[1]'. sprintf($lang['Forum_Index'],
   $board_config['sitename']) . ''; } if ($numPhotos != 0) { $searchBar .= "\n
   ". '        '. addSearchForm() .' '; } $searchBar .= "\n
   "; $searchBar .= "\n

   "; } $notice_caption = ''; $notice_messages = array(); /* Generate warnings
   about    broken    albums    */   if   ($gallery->user->isAdmin()   &&
   (sizeof($albumDB->brokenAlbums) || sizeof($albumDB->outOfDateAlbums))) {
   $notice_caption = gTranslate('core', "Attention Gallery Administrator!"); if
   (sizeof($albumDB->brokenAlbums)) { $message = sprintf( gTranslate('core',
   "%s has detected one invalid folders in your albums directory
   (%s):",  "%s has detected the following invalid folders in your albums
   (%s):",           sizeof($albumDB->brokenAlbums)),          Gallery(),
   $gallery->app->albumDir); $message .= "\n
   "; foreach ($albumDB->brokenAlbums as $tmpAlbumName) { $message .= "
     * $tmpAlbumName\n"; } $message .= "\n

   ";  $message  .=  gTranslate('core', "Please move it out of the albums
   directory.",   "Please  move  them  out  of  the  albums  directory.",
   sizeof($albumDB->brokenAlbums) ); $notice_messages[] = array( 'type' =>
   'information', 'text' => $message ); } if(sizeof($albumDB->outOfDateAlbums))
   { $message = gTranslate('core', "Gallery has detected that one of your
   albums is out of date.", "Gallery has detected that %d of your albums are
   out of date.", sizeof($albumDB->outOfDateAlbums), '', true ); $message .=
   ";    $message    .=    sprintf(gTranslate('core',    "Please   %s."),
   popup_link(gTranslate('core',       "perform       an       upgrade"),
   "upgrade_album.php",0,0,500,500,"g-error",     '',     '',    false));
   $notice_messages[] = array( 'type' => 'warning', 'text' => $message ); } }
   if (getRequestVar('gRedir') == 1 && ! $gallery->session->gRedirDone) {
   $message = sprintf(gTranslate('core', "The album or photo that you were
   attempting to view either does not exist, or requires user privileges that
   you   do   not   possess.   %s"),   ($gallery->user->isLoggedIn()   &&
   !$GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE ? '' : sprintf(gTranslate('core', "Login at the %s
   and try again."), popup_link(gTranslate('core', "Login page"), "login.php",
   false, true, 500, 500, 'g-emphasis','','', false)))); $notice_messages[] =
   array(     'type'     =>    'error',    'text'    =>    $message    );
   $gallery->session->gRedirDone = true; } $rootAlbum = array(); $start =
   ($gallery->session->albumListPage - 1) * $perPage + 1; $end = min($start +
   $perPage  -  1,  $numAlbums);  for  ($i  = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
   if(!$gallery->album   =   $albumDB->getAlbum($gallery->user,   $i))  {
   $notice_messages[]   =   array(   'type'   =>   'error',   'text'   =>
   sprintf(gTranslate('core',  "The  requested album with index %s is not
   valid"), $i) ); continue; } $isRoot = $gallery->album->isRoot(); // Only
   display  album  if  it  is  a root album if($isRoot) { $tmpAlbumName =
   $gallery->album->fields["name"]; $albumURL = makeAlbumUrl($tmpAlbumName);
   $scaleTo    =    $gallery->app->highlight_size;    $highlightIndex   =
   $gallery->album->getHighlight(true); $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['url'] =
   $albumURL;        if($highlightIndex)       {       $highlight       =
   $gallery->album->getPhoto($highlightIndex);      $getAlbumDirURL     =
   $gallery->album->getAlbumDirURL('highlight'); list($iWidth, $iHeight) =
   $highlight->getHighlightDimensions($scaleTo);        $imageTag       =
   $highlight->getHighlightTag( $getAlbumDirURL, $scaleTo, array('alt' =>
   sprintf(gTranslate('core',         "Highlight        for        album:
   %s"),$gallery->album->fields["title"]))  );  }  else { $imageTag = ''.
   gTranslate('core', "No highlight!") .''; } if (empty($iWidth)) { $iWidth =
   $gallery->app->highlight_size;    $iHeight    =    100;    }   //   //
   $gallery->html_wrap['borderColor']           =           $borderColor;
   $gallery->html_wrap['borderWidth'] = 1; $gallery->html_wrap['imageWidth'] =
   $iWidth;      $gallery->html_wrap['imageHeight']      =      $iHeight;
   $gallery->html_wrap['imageTag'] = $imageTag;
   $gallery->html_wrap['imageHref'] = $albumURL; $gallery->html_wrap['frame'] =
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['imageCell']  =  $gallery->html_wrap;  // //
   "title", $albumURL); if ($gallery->user->canDownloadAlbum($gallery->album)
   && $gallery->album->numPhotos(1)) {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['title']  .=  '  '. popup_link(
   gImage('icons/compressed.gif', gTranslate('core', "Download entire album as
   archive")), "download.php?set_albumName=$tmpAlbumName", false, false, 500,
   500,  'g-small',  '', '', false, false ); } /* Admin album Commands */
   include(dirname(__FILE__)     .     '/layout/adminAlbumCommands.inc');
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['adminAlbumCommands']         =
   $adminAlbumCommands; /* Description */
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['description']                =
   editField($gallery->album,   "description")   ;   /*   Owner   */   if
   ($gallery->app->showOwners == 'yes') { $owner = $gallery->album->getOwner();
   "Owner: %s"),showOwner($owner)); } /* Url (only for admins and owner) */ if
   ($gallery->user->isAdmin() ||
   $gallery->user->isOwnerOfAlbum($gallery->album))                     {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['url'] = gTranslate('core', "url:") .
   '[2]'; if (!$gallery->session->offline) {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['url']                       .=
   breakString(urldecode($albumURL),    60,    '&',    5);   }   else   {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['url']   .=   $tmpAlbumName;  }
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['url']      .=      '';      if
   (ereg("album[[:digit:]]+$", $albumURL)) { if (!$gallery->session->offline) {
   => gTranslate('core', "Hey!") . sprintf(gTranslate('core', "%s so that the
   URL is not so generic and easy guessable!"), popup_link( gTranslate('core',
   "Rename this album"),
   '','' ,false) ), 'type' => 'warning')) ); } } } /* Created / Last Changed */
   $creationDate = $gallery->album->getCreationDate(); $lastModifiedDate =
   $gallery->album->getLastModificationDate();     if($creationDate)    {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['changeDate']                 =
   sprintf(gTranslate('core',  "Created  on  %s,  last  changed on %s."),
   $creationDate, $lastModifiedDate); } else {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['changeDate']                 =
   sprintf(gTranslate('core', "Last changed on %s."), $lastModifiedDate); } /*
   Amount of items */ list($visibleItems) =
   $gallery->album->numItems($gallery->user,                       true);
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['numItems'] = gTranslate('core',
   "This  album  contains  1  item.",  "This  album  contains %d items.",
   $visibleItems, gTranslate('core', "This album is empty."), true ); /* Click
   counter + reset for it */ if (!($gallery->album->fields["display_clicks"] ==
   'no')     &&     !$gallery->session->offline)    {    $clickCount    =
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['clickCounter']    =   sprintf(
   gTranslate('core', "This album has been viewed %d time since %s.", "This
   album   has   been   viewed   %d   times   since   %s.",  $clickCount,
   sprintf(gTranslate('core', "This album has never been viewed since %s."),
   $resetDate)), $clickCount, $resetDate); } if
   ($gallery->user->canWriteToAlbum($gallery->album)                   &&
   (!($gallery->album->fields["display_clicks"]      ==     "no")))     {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['clickCounter'] .= ' '. popup_link(
   gTranslate('core',  "reset  counter"), doCommand("reset-album-clicks",
   array("set_albumName" => $tmpAlbumName), "albums.php"), 1); } /* Comment
   Indicator  */  if($gallery->app->comments_enabled  ==  'yes')  { // if
   comments_indication      are     "albums"     or     "both"     switch
   ($gallery->app->comments_indication)  {  case  "albums":  case "both":
   $lastCommentDate =
   ;     $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['commentIndication']    =
   lastCommentString($lastCommentDate, $displayCommentLegend); break; } } //
   End Album Infos // Start tree if ( isset($gallery->app->albumTreeDepth) &&
   $gallery->app->albumTreeDepth > 0) { if (isset($gallery->app->microTree) &&
   $gallery->app->microTree == 'yes') {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['microthumbs']                =
   printMicroChildren2(createTreeArray($tmpAlbumName,$depth     =    0));
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['subalbumTree'] = ' '; } else {
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['subalbumTree']            =           true;
   $rootAlbum[$tmpAlbumName]['albumdesc']['subalbumTree']               =
   printChildren(createTreeArray($tmpAlbumName,$depth = 0)); } } } } $theme =
   $gallery->app->theme;         if(!fs_file_exists(GALLERY_BASE        .
   "/templates/$theme/gallery.tpl.default"))  {  $theme  =  'classic';  }
   define('READY_TO_INCLUDE',        'DISCO');       require(GALLERY_BASE
   ."/templates/$theme/gallery.tpl.default"); ?>


   1. file://localhost/tmp/index.php
   2. file://localhost/tmp/'.%20$albumURL%20.%20'
   version)) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.php'); } // Security
   check   if   (!$gallery->user->isAdmin())   {  header('Location:  '  .
   makeAlbumHeaderUrl());  exit;  }  $adminOptions[]  =  array( 'text' =>
   gTranslate('core', "_statistics"), 'url' =>
   makeGalleryUrl('stats-wizard.php'), 'longtext' => gTranslate('core', "View
   some statistics about your Gallery. Such as most viewed pictures, or best
   rated photos etc.")); $adminOptions[] = array( 'text' => gTranslate('core',
   "configuration  _wizard"),  'url'  =>  $gallery->app->photoAlbumURL  .
   '/setup/index.php', 'longtext' => gTranslate('core', "Use the config wizard
   to reconfigure or tweak your Gallery")); $adminOptions[] = array( 'text' =>
   gTranslate('core',        "find       _orphans"),       'url'       =>
   makeGalleryUrl('tools/find_orphans.php'), 'longtext' => gTranslate('core',
   "Find, remove or re-attach orphaned elements.")); $adminOptions[] = array(
   'text'   =>   gTranslate('core',   "find  _comment  spam"),  'url'  =>
   makeGalleryUrl('tools/despam-comments.php'),       'longtext'       =>
   gTranslate('core',  "Find  and remove comments that contains spam."));
   $adminOptions[] = array( 'text' => gTranslate('core', "_validate albums"),
   'url'  =>  makeGalleryUrl('tools/validate_albums.php'),  'longtext' =>
   gTranslate('core', "Identify invalid albums, missing files, and other errors
   that may prevent you from migrating to Gallery 2")); #$adminOptions[] =
   array(  'text'  =>  gTranslate('core',  "Gallery  backup"), # 'url' =>
   makeGalleryUrl('backup_albums.php'), # 'longtext' => gTranslate('core',
   "Make  a  backup of your Gallery.")); if (!$GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE) {
   $adminOptions[] = array('text' => gTranslate('core', "manage _users"),
   'popupFile' => 'manage_users.php', 'longtext' => gTranslate('core', "Manage
   your users.")); } array_sort_by_fields($adminOptions, 'text', 'asc'); if
   (!$GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE) { doctype(); ?> '; foreach ($adminOptions as
   $option) { echo "\n
   "; if (isset($option['url'])) { $link =
   galleryLink($option['url'],$option['text']);   }   else   {   $link  =
   popup_link($option['text'], $option['popupFile'], false, true, 500, 500, '',
   '', '', false); } echo "\n $link"; echo "\n ". $option['longtext'] .""; echo
   ";    }    echo    "\n";   }   includeTemplate('info_donation-block');
   includeTemplate('overall.footer'); if (!$GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE) { ?>

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