On 2024-06-01 22:21, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 21:17:58 -0700
From: Jared Finder <jared@finder.org>
Cc: juri@linkov.net, 68765@debbugs.gnu.org, philipk@posteo.net,
> I'm beginning to think that the feature whereby we don't display the
> window's tool bar under some conditions "to conserve space" is more
> confusing and hard to document than is useful, and perhaps we should
> simply show the window's tool bar unconditionally?
I find it really useful to have this auto-show/hide behavior. As I
wrote in the docs, "you can think of the window tool bar as showing a
major mode specific tool bar if it exists".
That's okay, I'm just saying that if the window's major mode has its
own tool bar, we should show that tool bar on a window regardless of
whether the frame's tool bar shows the same buttons.
<and also from later on>
+ The command @code{global-window-tool-bar-mode} toggles the display
+a tool bar at the top of each window. When enabled, multiple
+can display their own tool bar simultaneously. To conserve space, a
+window tool bar is only shown if the tool bar for the window's
+buffer has a different binding from the global (default) tool bar.
This should explain what does "global (default) tool bar" mean. My
understanding is that this is the tool bar shown for the frame, which
will continue working as it does now, i.e. be determined by the major
mode of the frame's selected window.
<and also>
Having no space taken up when editing a text file, then having the
tool bar appear when I hit C-s lines up with what I see in many
other programs. I'd be sad to see this behavior removed.
That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about removing the
window's tool bar because the frame's tool bar became identical to it.
Here's a scenario:
. you have a frame with Info mode and some other mode
. the frame's tool bar is the default one, and the window under Info
shows its own tool bar from info.el
. now I type "C-h i" in the window that was previously in mode other
than Info -- now the frame's tool bar is the one from Info mode,
and suddenly the other window loses its window-specific tool bar!
IOW, what bothers me is that we _remove_ the window's tool bar because
the frame-global tool bar changed. And you just confirmed above that,
while currently this is not the behavior, you'd like to fix the code
so it _is_ the behavior.
Am I missing something?
There's a misunderstanding here. Can you please suggest how I can
change the documentation? I'm not sure why the documentation I wrote
is confusing.
Let me explicitly describe the terms I am using:
When I write "the global (default) tool bar", that refers to the value
of (default-value 'tool-bar-map). It's the tool bar with New File,
Open File, Open Directory, Kill Buffer, Save, Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Isearch. This doesn't change with major mode. As far as I can tell,
it doesn't change during normal Emacs operations (unless a user chooses
to modify it, of course).
When I write "the frame tool bar", that refers to the tool bar
displayed at the top of a frame, as controlled by M-x tool-bar-mode.
There is no change of behavior here except for the new user option
When I write "the window tool bar", that refers to the tool bar
displayed at the top of a window, as controlled by (newly added) M-x
window-tool-bar-mode or M-x global-window-tool-bar-mode. The window
tool bar displays the value of tool-bar-map the window's displayed
buffer. But it only displays that tool bar if it is not the same as
the global (default) tool bar. It does not pay attention to the frame
tool bar. Specifically, the test is:
(eq tool-bar-map ;a buffer's tool bar
(default-value 'tool-bar-map) ;the global (default) tool bar
I hope from the above description it is clear that switching windows
does not cause the window tool bar to flicker as the window tool bar
doesn't care what the frame tool bar shows.
The most prominent other source of a custom tool bar is isearch.
Oh, there are many more modes that customize the tool bar in important
ways. Help mode, Info mode, Customize, GUD modes, email modes, Grep,
and EWW, to name just a few popular ones.
Are there any others that are minor modes like isearch? I ask because
the "only display when tool bar is different" check isn't run on minor
mode changes. That's the bug I'm referring to that I'd like to fix.
Currently Window Tool Bar mode adds a function to isearch-mode-hook and
isearch-mode-end-hook to work properly with isearch. I would prefer a
generic way to handle this.
All other suggested changes I'll add to my next patch. I'm just
waiting to figure out how to properly document the above
-- MJF