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Re: editfiles bug and odd behaviour

From: Mark . Burgess
Subject: Re: editfiles bug and odd behaviour
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 23:00:01 +0100 (MET)

On 16 Mar, David Ressman wrote:
> I apologize for the length of this email, but these problems take a lot of 
> work to explain accurately.  Unless specifically stated otherwise, all 
> source is from 1.6.3.
> We use the RunScriptIfNoLineMatching command in editfiles to look for a
> printer definition in the printcap file and run a script to add the printer
> if it's not found.  Our cfengine input file looks like this:
>  { /etc/printers.conf
>    SetScript "/bin/lpset -a bsdaddr=host,printer -a description=blah 
>     printer ;"
>    RunScriptIfNoLineMatching "^printer:\\$"
>    <repeated for every printer>
>  }
> It didn't ever work until we added the ";" to the end of the SetScript,
> although at the time, we didn't bother to investigate further.  (This is
> important, for reasons explained later.)
> This worked fine under 1.5.4, but when we switched to 1.6.0 it broke 
> completely.  It would execute the input file without error, but the command
> to add the printer wouldn't actually be run.  If we looked at the debugging
> output, we could see that there was a problem.
> As cfengine parsed the file, everything looked fine (\'s added by me):
>   AddEditAction(/etc/printers.conf,SetScript,/bin/lpset -a bsdaddr=host,\
>    printer -a description=blah printer)
>   EditActionsToCode(SetScript)
>   AddEditAction(/etc/printers.conf,RunScriptIfNoLineMatching,^printer:\\$)
>   SetScript [/bin/lpset -a bsdaddr=host,printer -a description=blah printer]
>   RunScriptIfNoLineMatching [^printer:\\$]
> However, when it was actually trying to do it, we got this output:
>   Edit action: SetScript
>   Edit action: RunScriptIfNoLineMatching
>   Running command: ^printer:\\$ /etc/printers.conf solaris  2>&1
>   cfpopen(^printer:\\$ /etc/printers.conf solaris  2>&1)
>   cfpclose(pp)
>   cfpopen - Waiting for process 10394
> And this didn't seem right at all.  From the debugging output, it looked
> like it was actually trying to execute the search regexp string instead of
> the defined script.  This looked like a simple case of just passing the
> wrong argument to some function, so we decided to take a look.
> In edittools.c, there are 3 places of interest to look (all in DoEditFile):
>  Line 332: 
>    char *currenteditscript, searchstr[bufsize], expdata[bufsize];
>  Line 413:
>    ExpandVarstring(ep->data,expdata,NULL);
>  Line 778:
>     case SetScript:
>         currenteditscript = expdata;
>         break;
>     <...>
>     case RunScriptIfNoLineMatching:
>         if (! LocateNextItemMatching(filestart,expdata))
>            {
>            if (! RunEditScript(currenteditscript,filename,&filestart,ptr))
>            <...> 
> The last 2 (from just above 413) are enclosed in a while loop, and it 
> appears that for every file to be edited by editfiles, it goes through this
> loop one time for every action to be performed on that file.
> Since we're running SetScript and then RunScriptIfNoLineMatching, it goes
> through this list at least twice for each printer we do this with.  For each
> iteration of this while loop, the command at line 413 will take the 
> arguments for the particular action, expand any variables, and put them in 
> the expdata array.  When it runs through the SetScript case, it assigns that 
> currenteditscript pointer to point to the expdata array so that the actual 
> script will be stored with the data provided by SetScript when it runs 
> through the RunScriptIfNoLineMatching case.
> Here's the problem.  Since the expdata array gets populated with new data 
> at every iteration of the while loop, and since currenteditscript is only a
> pointer to the expdata array, the data that is supposed to stay in 
> currenteditscript for the next iteration of the loop gets rewritten.  That's 
> why we see it trying to execute "^printer:\\$".  Since "^printer:\\$" is in 
> expdata for the RunScriptIfNoLineMatching case, currenteditscript just
> points to that data.  This was easily fixed by changing currenteditscript to
> a regular array and changing SetScript so that it strncpys the data into it.
> This fixes that particular problem very well, and it appears to me to be the
> proper way to do it (although I didn't write it, so Mark would know better).
> See enclosed patch1 for the fix.
> However, once this bug was fixed, something else popped up. (This 
> description is heavily plagiarized from an email my boss sent me.)
> There's one difference between 1.5.4 & 1.6.3 w/ regard to the cfpopen() call 
> in RunEditScript() in edittools.c.  Specifically, in 1.5.4, RunEditScript 
> *doesn't use* cfpopen(); it rather, it calls the Unix C library function 
> popen().  Most likely, cfpopen() is designed to be a private work-alike for 
> the popen() function.  However, there is at least one major difference, 
> which is the the source of our problem.
> popen() runs its argument by passing it to "/bin/sh -c", whereas cfpopen 
> execv()'s its argument.  execv() simply executes its argument, w/o passing 
> it to a shell.  The consequence of this for our editscript is that the ";" 
> we had to put at the end of our script when we were still using 1.5.4 and 
> the "solaris" and "2>&1" cfengine adds are passed directly to what
> gets execv()'d (/bin/lpset); since execv() doesn't call a shell, there's no 
> shell to interpret these extra args, and so get passed directly to lpset.
> We have a problem with the extra arguments cfengine is adding.  If you
> run lpset manually w/ these extra args, it will complain w/ a usage
> message.  I'm guessing the reason our edit script worked w/ 1.5.x is
> because the script was being passed to a shell via the popen(); as a
> result, the ";" at the end of our script separated the real lpset
> command & its args from the args cfengine tacked on.  Hence, the lpset
> ran correctly, and then shell tried to run the extra args as another
> command (at no consequence however).  I'm guessing this is the reason
> why we needed to add ";" to make that work.
> A workaround, w/o any change to the cfengine code, would be define our
> commands using a shell.  That is, rather than:
>   SetScript "/bin/lpset -a bsdaddr=host,printer -a
>              description=blah printer"
> we prefix all of that "/bin/sh -c":
>   SetScript "/bin/sh -c '/bin/lpset -a bsdaddr=host,printer -a
>              description=blah printer'"
> /bin/sh will just ignore the extra arguments that cfengine supplies.
> Alternatively, we could write a shell wrapper to "do the right thing", but
> I like the idea of cfengine running the actual lpset command more than I
> like the idea of having to write a wrapper just to deal with these extra
> arguments.
> Unfortunately, this reeks of hack to us, but to fix this in code, we'd have 
> to not add the extra args, revert to using popen() rather than cfpopen(), or 
> change cfpopen() to use "/bin/sh -c"  Any of these would depend on what 
> Mark's intent was when he replaced popen and added those extra arguments.
> Since it seems unlikely that many people out there are actually using these
> RunScript[...] commands (since no one has complained about the pointer bug),
> I'd like to see those extra arguments go away (at the very least, the 2>&1
> should scram since cfpopen doesn't use a shell).  If you intend for them to
> stay, it would be nice to have a configuration option to leave them out.
> David

Thanks for this lengthy mail. I'll need to look more clsoely at
the details, but just to respond to why cfpopen uses no shell
--- this is a security issue. Shells introduce dependencies
which can sometimes be exploited. In shell-commands, you have the
choice. The same should be true in editfiles. I wasn't aware
of the change in RunScript. I'll think about what the right
course of action is. Probably an option to use a shell
would be in order.

I'll send you a patch when I'm done, or you can start using
the stable alpha versions of cfengine-2.0.0.

This could take a few days,s since I have to travel away
for a while to give some lectures.


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