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Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page
From: |
Lawrence Velázquez |
Subject: |
Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page |
Date: |
Thu, 16 Jan 2025 22:24:18 -0500 |
On Thu, Jan 16, 2025, at 8:05 PM, Wiley Young wrote:
> In Parameter Expansions / Case Modification:
> [S1]
> The first sentence reads, "alphabetic characters," which can imply that
> wherever else in the paragraph the word "characters" is used, that the
> intended meaning is "alphabetic characters," which is not the case. It can
> be read as something like a declaration of a specific conversation topic.
> This multiplicity of meaning in a single word, "characters," can be thought
> of as similar to a namespace collision.
It's never once occurred to me to read it this way. I think you're
overstating the potential confusion here.
> [S3]
> The third sentence makes no distinction between alphabetic characters and
> ASCII characters, although in practice such a distinction exists.
> $ yy='./scripts_install-ups'
> $ echo ${yy^s}
> ./scripts_install-ups
> $ yy='scripts_install-ups'
> $ echo ${yy^s}
> Scripts_install-ups
> The third sentence could read more clearly with the inclusion of one
> word: "ASCII" (changes are underlined).
> Before:
> 3) Each character in the expanded value of parameter is tested against
> pattern, and, if it matches the pattern, its case is converted.
> After:
> 3) Each _ASCII_ character in the expanded value of parameter is tested
> against pattern, and, if it matches the pattern, its case is converted.
> Without the inclusion of the word "ASCII," sentence three (as well as
> sentence six, below) can easily be read incorrectly as applying only to
> "alphabetic characters" as a result of the implied topic declaration in
> sentence one.
This suggestion is far more misleading than the existing text. It
implies that non-ASCII characters are skipped, but they are not.
$ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
$ str=$'err\u00F3neo'
$ echo "$str" "${str^^}"
erróneo ERRÓNEO
> [S5]
> Sentence five speaks of "the ^ operator" and "the , operator" - however
> this use of English language is again unclear. There are four meaningful
> syntactical forms involved in this Parameter Expansion:
> , ^ ,, ^^
> They are composed of varying combinations of two raw constituent ASCII
> characters:
> , ^ (\x2c and \x5e)
> There's an overlap, when the text reads, "the ^ operator" it can be read
> as referring to either a specific and meaningful syntactical form, (^), or
> a raw constituent ASCII character, (^). It appears that the latter meaning
> is intended. Otherwise, the descriptions would contradict each other of the
> single-character PE operators in both sentence five and the second half of
> sentence six. Elsewhere in the manual the word "operator" is also used.
> From a partial search, it appears that the word tends to be used much more
> often to refer to specific meaningful syntactical forms rather than raw
> ASCII characters.
> declare -a control_operators=( [0]="||" [1]="&" [2]="&&" )
> declare -a parameter_transformation_operators=( [0]="U" [1]="u" [2]="L"
> )
> Sentence five could read more clearly as (changes underlined):
> Before:
> 5) The ^ operator converts lowercase letters matching pattern to
> uppercase; the , operator converts matching uppercase letters to lowercase.
> After:
> 5) The _operators_ _containing_ _ASCII_ _^_ _characters_ _convert_
> lowercase letters matching pattern to uppercase, and _operators_
> _containing_ _ASCII_ _,_ _characters_ convert matching uppercase letters to
> lowercase.
I think this suggestion is pretty clumsy, but I do agree that it's
a little confusing to read about the "^ operator" and the ", operator"
but also the "^^ and ,, expansions" and the "^ and , expansions".
> [S6]
> Sentence six could benefit from a change similar to that of sentence
> three.
> Before:
> 6) The ^^ and ,, expansions convert each matched character in the
> expanded value; the ^ and , expansions match and convert only the first
> character in the expanded value.
> After:
> 6) The ^^ and ,, expansions convert each matched character in the
> expanded value; the ^ and , expansions match and convert only the first
> _ASCII_ character in the expanded value.
This suggestion is invalid for the same reason as the first one.
- Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Wiley Young, 2025/01/16
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page,
Lawrence Velázquez <=
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Wiley Young, 2025/01/17
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Greg Wooledge, 2025/01/17
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Lawrence Velázquez, 2025/01/17
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Greg Wooledge, 2025/01/18
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Chet Ramey, 2025/01/20
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Félix Hauri, 2025/01/18
- Re: Suggestion of wording for portion of man page, Chet Ramey, 2025/01/20