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bug#41559: texmathp reports false negatives

From: TEC
Subject: bug#41559: texmathp reports false negatives
Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 11:23:57 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.6; emacs 26.3

Ikumi Keita <ikumi@ikumi.que.jp> writes:
It doesn't reproduce on my side. I saved a file with the contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \(a\) #+END_EXPORT #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \[ a \] #+END_EXPORT ----------------------------------------------------------------------

It may be worth clarifying that in those examples I created two blank buffers
with the given text as the only contents.

and evaluated (texmathp) by M-: at each position before "a". Both returned t for me.

Interesting though. Assuming you did the same as me, this directly contradicts
with my results. I'm on
- AucTeX 12.2.0 (fafa28d)
- Emacs 26.3
- Linux 5.6.13

Whether I put mu cursor before or after a latex-mode buffer simply containing
\(a\) I find (texmathp) returns nil.

Regards, Ikumi Keita

Thanks for testing, hopefully the extra details may help better identify the issue.


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