2012/2/13 Martin Lambers
I don't see how the FFmpeg version can make a difference.
This was the last thing I could think of :)
But maybe it's the input format setting. Which format is your input
video in?
Bino prints: Video 1920x1080, 1,78:1 : 1920x1080-1,78:1-yuv420p-601-mpeg-c
With what options did you start Bino?
I used
$ bino -o equalizer --eq-config test.eqc -i left-right VIDEO-FILE
for a left-right (side-by-side/SBS) video.
I didn't try the left-right argument. I started bino with: bino -o equalizer --eq-config test.eqc VIDEO-FILE. Now I tried your version and all I get is left half of the video on both segments.