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Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude release?

From: Bob Paddock
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude release?
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 07:46:18 -0400
User-agent: Opera M2/7.52 (Win32, build 3834)

Well if the instructions to get it to build are to comment out the
tests that prevent it from building, then what does
the test really accomplish?  Then I'm still not testing
with what the developers of the project used.

My personal view is that you get better test coverage by
testing on diverse platforms and configurations.

At any rate I'll figure out what I broke when I reinstalled
cygwin and get back to you on the cygwin testing.

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:41:39 -0700 (PDT), Theodore A. Roth <address@hidden> wrote:

If I install 2.57 then it is going to break the stuff that wants 2.59. :-<

All you need to do is comment out these lines in bootstrap:

  if [ "$AUTOCONF_VER" != "2.57" ]
          echo "You need to use autoconf version 2.57."
          echo "You are using `${AUTOCONF} --version | head -n 1`."
          exit 1

Yeah, it's a pain, but the it forces all the developers of a project to
use the same version of the tool and thus test the same generated code.
If we all use different versions, then the configure script and
Makefiles may be divergent.

When I generate the release tarballs, I use the versions spec'd in the
bootstrap file.

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