On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 11:09:15AM -0300, Francisco T. A. Silva wrote:
Your fix works here! Thanks
Cool, and your welcome :-)
PS: if you remove that second fname = filename statement, avrdude would
avrdude: writing output file "<stdout>"
instead of
avrdude: writing output file "-"
see attached patch.
While I agree that the second assignment it not necessary (and I'll
fix that), I don't think it will change the output message as that
line of output is being printed from the 'main()' routine, and 'fname'
is local to the 'fileio()' function. It used to do what you want, but
it looks like I busted that when I implimented immediate mode. I've
just committed a fix - it should now print out '<stdin>' and
'<stdout>' like it used to do.
Thanks for keeping us honest :-)