On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 06:32:59PM +1000, Terry Porter wrote:
Pictures and files :
My little howto:-
Ahh! Manna from heaven.
I was wondering how to tickle simulavr into doing something. (The
manpage and info seemed to say "I am simulavr. EOT", so I've spent
part of today groping around savannah, OpenAVR, etc., but no luck.)
That was after suspecting that I was missing some "info", because
the makefile for at least one of the tools demands makeinfo 4.2, and
the latest available via the debian apt-get mirror is 4.1. Hoofing it
off to a source mirror showed that Tex is a universe in itself, yet
there was nothing resembling the debian "texinfo" package. Maybe I'll
venture in there again, after a stiff drink.