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Manual dependency: specifying config.h on

From: Fabrício Zimmerer Murta
Subject: Manual dependency: specifying config.h on
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 11:22:12 -0300


    I am unable to use automatic dependency tracking as I have been doing a 
project in Fortran 90. My problem is: when I change include/config.h, src/*.F90 
which have the include/ file “included” are not recompiled (as would be 
expected). I wonder if it would be okay just to add to the Makefile rules the 
“../include/config.h” or if there’s a better way to express this dependency as 
(a) all files depend on include/config.h (b) compiles on different paths could 
break if they look for files inside ../include relative path.
    Thank you, I am sorry if this is a too dumb question, I am a newbie on GNU 
Build System indeed. :)

- fabricio

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