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Re: [automake] Dependency question with _LDADD

From: Michel Briand
Subject: Re: [automake] Dependency question with _LDADD
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 10:52:38 +0200

I'll enforce top-posting from this side of Atlantic ;)
Don't worry.

Bob Friesenhahn <address@hidden> - Wed, 8 Oct 2008
14:56:39 -0500 (CDT)

>It seems that some folks on this list just can't help but retain all 
>previous content from the discussion thread and put their few lines at 
>the bottom of the new email.  This requires paging down five or six 
>screens of text just to find the tiny tidbit which was added.
>There is only so much time in the day and these sort of emails are an 
>offense to the continued development of free software.  Henceforth I 
>will simply delete such obscenely-quoted emails without reading them. 
>I suggest that others do the same.
>Bob Friesenhahn
>GraphicsMagick Maintainer,


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