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Re: [aspell-devel] Aspell in R?

From: William Michels
Subject: Re: [aspell-devel] Aspell in R?
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 03:51:02 -0800

Hi Kevin thanks for the great work!

Yes, if you look very hard you can find some stuff discussing R and aspell. But not much. 

Within R,  aspell() is a function found in the "utils" package which ships with every release of R. The canonical reference from the R-core team is:

It would be great if you could include a link to the page above from your page at:

A few interesting notes:

1. The utils::aspell function built into R  doesn't work out of the box. GNU aspell has to be installed, as well as a dictionary. Otherwise you'll get various errors such as "no suitable spell checker found". 

2. The R-help pages give instructions on how to use aspell to check files in the local directory, not R-objects within the R-environment. To spell-check R-objects (e.g. character vectors, dataframe columns, etc.), you need to first convert the R-object to a factor using a function such as as.factor(), and then proceeding with spell checking. 

3. "Aspell" (capitalized) from the site is a different package from the built-in  "aspell" (lowercase) function. Once GNU aspell is installed you can actually do spell-checking without omegahat "Aspell", but it does provide additional, powerful control over aspell function. Also, Aspell (capitalized) appears to offer replacement word suggestions right out of the box.



On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Kevin Atkinson <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi William,

You can't use Aspell directly in R; however, it looks like there is at least one or more packages for using Aspell within R.  Googling "Aspell R" lead to several promising results:

Aspell package for R:

aspell {utils} | inside-R | A Community Site for R:

R: Spell Check Interface:

I have never tried any of these packages so I am afraid you are on your own. I better place to ask would be inside the R community.


On Thu, 26 Feb 2015, William Michels wrote:

HI I want to thank you for this fantastic Aspell program!!  I just got it
working in the R-programming environment ( is cool!
I just analyzed a NOAA database in seconds.

Ive looked around and it doesn't seem that you have a help page on using
Aspell in R.

Do you want me to write something up?

Thanks, Bill

William Michels, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Biochemist, UCSF (former)

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