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Re: split current-toplevel for guix compatibility

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: split current-toplevel for guix compatibility
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 01:15:27 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.1

Hi Mortimer!

Mortimer Cladwell writes:

> Hi Nala,
> Currently Artanis can be installed by the Guix package manager. However the
> presence of a .../tmp subdirectory in an Artanis application directory
> precludes an Artanis application's installation by guix package manager
> into the immutable /gnu/store...  I have a toy Artanis application I call
> "myapp" that can be installed by the Guix package manager. The needed
> modification to Artanis to accomplish this is to split the
> "current-toplevel" variable into 2 directories:
> 1. immutable-toplevel: those current-toplevel directories that don't
> change, and will remain in /gnu/store..., the installation directory
> 2. current-toplevel: redirect changing (temporary) files to the linux
> directory /tmp/myapp

I think one of the way to implement immutable-toplevel is to add a
config item server.guix. If it's false, then use
default (current-toplevel), otherwise (current-toplevel) returns /gnu/store

Feel free to share your ideas.

> 1. You are not interested. This is fine - I have hacks.
> 2. You are not interested but willing to accommodate non-breaking changes
> (such as splitting current-toplevel) that will facilitate guix development.
> 3. A future version of Artanis will enable guix package manager installable
> Artanis applications.

My answer is definitly 3, moreover, we should be able to install Artanis
speicific plugins via Guix in the future.
I have to admit that I've given up to write Artanis own package manager
since I won't have any time for that. So Guix will be the most important
package manager in Artanis community.

> If you are in scenario 2 or 3 and are interested I can submit pull requests
> for my modifications.  Maybe you have better suggestions?

Yes, please, let's make a plan to integrate Artanis with Guix, and do it!

Best regards.

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