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split current-toplevel for guix compatibility

From: Mortimer Cladwell
Subject: split current-toplevel for guix compatibility
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 09:48:54 -0400

Hi Nala,

Currently Artanis can be installed by the Guix package manager. However the presence of a .../tmp subdirectory in an Artanis application directory precludes an Artanis application's installation by guix package manager into the immutable /gnu/store...  I have a toy Artanis application I call "myapp" that can be installed by the Guix package manager. The needed modification to Artanis to accomplish this is to split the "current-toplevel" variable into 2 directories:

1. immutable-toplevel: those current-toplevel directories that don't change, and will remain in /gnu/store..., the installation directory
2. current-toplevel: redirect changing (temporary) files to the linux directory /tmp/myapp

The required changes to Artanis are detailed in the guix packaging recipe found at:

You can guix package install and test myapp, instructions at:

To date I have written one additional guix installable application (beyond myapp) that passes all my tests, but neither of my Artanis applications make use of every Artanis feature - I may have inadvertently broken something. In addition I have not tested guix modified Artanis with standard Gnu make install and art work launch. My question is - How interested are you in having Artanis applications be Guix compatible? I can imagine 3 possibilities:

1. You are not interested. This is fine - I have hacks.
2. You are not interested but willing to accommodate non-breaking changes (such as splitting current-toplevel) that will facilitate guix development.
3. A future version of Artanis will enable guix package manager installable Artanis applications.

If you are in scenario 2 or 3 and are interested I can submit pull requests for my modifications.  Maybe you have better suggestions?

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