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Re: [Swftools-common] Accessing swfc sound objects

From: Jens Stolze
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] Accessing swfc sound objects
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 22:50:45 +0200
User-agent: Mail/News 1.5 (X11/20060228)

Andrew Mathis wrote:
> When I create a sound in swfc with ".sound", how can I access it with
> ActionScript? Specifically, I would like to be able to access
> Sound.onSoundComplete(). In other words, if I do something like ".sound
> sound1 LocoStart.wav", how can I set "sound1.onSoundComplete" with
> ActionScript?
> Also, is there any way to include swfc commands (like .play) within
> ActionScript blocks? Or to create ActionScript functions with swfc
> commands?

Hi Andrew,

look unto my program (pressing a button - playing a sound). I tried a
lot, but only the way converting first my wav-file to swf works.

cu,     Jens Stolze

# ---------- beispiel-button-sound.sc ---------------------------
.flash bbox=700x400 name="beispiel-button-sound.swf" compress

.circle knopfnormal r=22 color=yellow fill=green
.circle knopfdrueber r=20 color=yellow fill=orange
.circle knopfgedrueckt r=18 fill=red
.circle aktiverbereich r=22 fill=black

.swf klang1 "uploads/ruhe-bitte.swf"

# -------------------------------------
.button knopf1
.show knopfnormal as=idle
.show knopfdrueber as=hover
.show aktiverbereich as=area
.show knopfgedrueckt as=pressed

# -------------------------------------
.put knopf1 x=300 y=100

# Actionscript routines

function RunSound1() {
.end # End actionscript


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