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Re: [Sks-devel] "SKS is effectively running as end-of-life software at t

From: Robert J. Hansen
Subject: Re: [Sks-devel] "SKS is effectively running as end-of-life software at this point"?
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 14:28:49 -0500
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> If only it were open-source software and individuals with the extra time
> and talent to work on those design flaws were able to do so. Wouldn't
> that be a great world to live in?

Wouldn't it be great if people were to think before snarking?

There are a handful of people with the background and skills to write a
next-generation keyserver.  I looked into it a dozen years ago and wrote
up a whitepaper on it.  I know Phil Pennock has put a lot of thought
into it.  Andrew, likewise.  There are easily five or six people on this
list who have the time and ability.

What we don't have is *consensus* -- not only among ourselves, but in
the larger community.

Let's say I decide to implement my whitepaper from 2007.  It would take,
oh, call it 200 hours of work to implement.  So I write it, put it out
there, and nothing happens because there's no consensus my idea is the
direction we should go.

The problem here is not a lack of manpower or skill.

It's a lack of community consensus on what a redesign should look like.

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