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[Savannah-dev] Re: savanna cvs branch?

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-dev] Re: savanna cvs branch?
Date: 10 Jun 2003 10:27:46 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Marco Mambelli <address@hidden> a tapoté :

> I'm working in debugging Savannah and adapting it for the specific
> needs of ivdgl laboratory. I'm only partially on it, so I donn't know
> how much I'll be able to contribute.
> Untill now I worked manually in a working directory, keeping it in
> sync with your CVS and maintaining my modifications.
> Now I need to put it in cvs to manage it easily.
> The 2 options that I think to have (if possible) are:
> 1.developing on a branch of your savannah project
> - I would need your help at least to tag the beginning of the branch
> (brench tag) or I should be able to tag the cvs repository (better, so
> I could tag the runk -your repository- each time I update my branch
> with it)
> + The branch would keep track of your versioning
> 2.keep a separate repository where to import your releases (or
> snapshots of your cvs)
> +it would be more independent and not need actions from you or
> permissions to me
> -my version would loose your versioning information I think
> My needs are to use cvs and to maintain some modifications that you
> may not be interested in.
> Please let me know if there are other alternatives and which one would
> you suggest.

I do not cleary understand the 2 options you proposed. There 3 ways to
modify the Savannah code.

1) You start from the CVS code, modify it, and loose the next Savannah
2) You start from the CVS code, modify it, creates patches and send it
   to us. We study it and apply it to Savannah if we find them ok
   (useful, not creating more troubles then it fixes). You can still 
   sync with the CVS (for the patches not accepted, you can still
   apply them).
3) You start from the CVS code, modify it, and we grant you a CVS
   right. So there is only one branch.

The 2 and 3 means that your modifications must not be specific to your
installation - if it's is, it should configurable to not break usual

Aside from that, we want Savannah to be configurable and we want the
code to be the same for every Savannah installation. Only
conffile/specific content should be changed, theorically, to adapt


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

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