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Re: this command line interface is deprecated

From: Wayne Sallee
Subject: Re: this command line interface is deprecated
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2023 07:10:18 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.9.1

   -------- Original Message --------
   *Subject: *  Re: this command line interface is deprecated
   *From: *     Ericzolf [1]<ewl+rdiffbackup@lavar.de>
   *To: *         Rdiff-backup-users [2]<rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org>
   *CC: *
   *Date: *      2023-7-15  05:19 AM


What api is it talking about?
I  tried adding "--api-version 201" to the command, but that just errored out.

Did you add it _before_ or _after_ the command (e.g. regress)? It belongs before
. Which error was it? Option unknown and a usage message?

KR, Eric

   rdiff-backup --api-version 201 -v9 --print-statistics testingbackup
   usage: rdiff-backup [-h] [--api-version API_VERSION] [--current-time
   CURRENT_TIME] [--force] [--fsync | --no-fsync]
                       [--null-separator] [--new | --no-new]
   [--chars-to-quote CHARS] [--parsable-output]
                       [--remote-schema REMOTE_SCHEMA] [--remote-tempdir
   DIR_PATH] [--ssh-compression | --no-ssh-compression]
                       [--tempdir DIR_PATH] [--terminal-verbosity
   {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}] [--use-compatible-timestamps]
                       [-v {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}] [-V]

   ver,test,verify} ...
   rdiff-backup: error: argument action: invalid choice: 'testingbackup'
   (choose from 'backup', 'calculate', 'compare', 'complete', 'info',
   'list', 'regress', 'remove', 'restore', 'server', 'test', 'verify')
   But this works with api warning:
   rdiff-backup -v9 --print-statistics testingbackup testingbackup-backup
   WARNING: this command line interface is deprecated and will disappear,
   start using the new one as described with '--new --help'.
   2023-07-15 07:07:45.648761 -0400  <CLIENT-9991>  DEBUG: Runtime
   information =>{'exec': {'version': '2.2.5', 'api_version': {'default':
   200, 'min': 200, 'max': 201, 'actual': 0}, 'argv':
   ['/usr/bin/rdiff-backup', '-v9', '--print-statistics', 'testingbackup',
   'testingbackup-backup'], 'parsed': {'api_version': None,
   'current_time': None, 'force': False, 'fsync': True, 'null_separator':
   False, 'new': False, 'chars_to_quote': None, 'parsable_output': False,
   'remote_schema': None, 'remote_tempdir': None, 'ssh_compression': True,
   'tempdir': None, 'terminal_verbosity': None,
   'use_compatible_timestamps': False, 'verbosity': 9, 'restrict': None,
   'restrict_read_only': None, 'restrict_update_only': None,
   'ssh_no_compression': False, 'create_full_path': False, 'compression':
   True, 'not_compressed_regexp':
   tzst|vob|webm|webp|wma|wmv|xlsx|xz|z|zip|zoo|zst)$', 'selections':
   None, 'acls': True, 'carbonfile': True, 'compare_inode': True, 'eas':
   True, 'hard_links': True, 'resource_forks': True, 'never_drop_acls':
   False, 'group_mapping_file': None, 'preserve_numerical_ids': False,
   'user_mapping_file': None, 'file_statistics': True, 'print_statistics':
   True, 'allow_duplicate_timestamps': False, 'restrict_path': None,
   'restrict_mode': 'read-write', 'action': 'backup', 'compare_at_time':
   None, 'compare_hash_at_time': None, 'compare_full_at_time': None,
   'list_at_time': None, 'list_changed_since': None, 'remove_older_than':
   None, 'restore_as_of': None, 'verify_at_time': None, 'locations':
   ['testingbackup', 'testingbackup-backup']}}, 'python': {'name':
   'cpython', 'executable': '/usr/bin/python3', 'version': '3.9.13'},
   'system': {'platform': 'Linux-4.4.161-x86_64-with-glibc2.21',
   'fs_encoding': 'utf-8'}}<=
   2023-07-15 07:07:45.676965 -0400  <CLIENT-9991>  * Using repository
   Wayne Sallee


   1. mailto:ewl+rdiffbackup@lavar.de
   2. mailto:rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
   3. mailto:Wayne@WayneSallee.com
   4. http://www.WayneSallee.com/

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