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[Paperclips-discuss] Paperclips JSP engine

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: [Paperclips-discuss] Paperclips JSP engine
Date: 23 Apr 2002 14:40:36 +0100

I have just added a new CVS module to the Paperclips project. The 
module contains a slightly altered version of GNUJSP. This module 
will become the GNU JSP Engine, a JSP engine specifically for 
GNU Paperclips. 

GNU Paperclips will be released over the summer. It is a Servlet API 
2.3 complaint webserver. It does nearlly everything that the API 
specs (though the API's security handling is a big hole). It is also 
quite fast and is easy to use (it has an easy command line startup as 
well as the more conventional xml file). 
GNU JSP Engine is the JSP engine of GNU Paperclips. It is based on 
GNUJSP and is a work in progress. 
I don't have a whole bunch of time to hack on GNU JSP Engine, but I 
do use it and I've cleaned up the old code quite a bit. As and when 
time and pressure demands I will clean up some more and add new 
features and remove bad ones. 

I would welcome help and assistance from anyone who wants to hack a 
servlet or JSP engine. 
If you want to find out more about GNU-Paperclips you should check 
out the code from CVS: 
or look at the last RC release I did: 
The GNU JSP Engine is only available from CVS right now. 
Nic Ferrier 
GNU Paperclips administrator 

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