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[Paperclips-discuss] latest fixes

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: [Paperclips-discuss] latest fixes
Date: 05 Apr 2002 00:33:14 +0100

I;ve made some fixes tonight. Paperclips now properly separates
servlet loading (we don't quite support the load-on-startup property
but it is coming).

This means that you can override DD config within the paperclips
config descriptor (the "server.xml"). 

It works, I'm using it to deliver a single app with several different
jdbc urls (by overriding a context init parameter in the server.xml).

I've also fixed a sneaky bug with WARClassLoader.

We're definitely getting there.

On a begging note, if anyone has any ideas how Paperclips might
(easily) work out which servlets to load in what order I'd be


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