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Re: Slur with left and/or right arrow head

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Slur with left and/or right arrow head
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 20:50:01 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.8

On 2019-04-17 3:31 pm, Thomas Morley wrote:
Well, I'd like to understand beziers better, continuing my afford here
also means I shouldn't ignore such things ;)

Beziers are one way to generalize simple linear interpolation to higher orders, and they have a rather curious recursive relationship which my code exploits.

In linear interpolation, we only have two control points. We want to move from point A to point B along the lowest order path, which must be a straight line. This can be written as a weighted average of the two points using a interpolation factor:

  f(t) = A (1 - t) + B t

The parameter, t, in the above form would go from zero to one to interpolate. (And if you go outside that domain, you are then extrapolating.) When t is zero, the value B is eliminated whereas A is left intact. When t is one, the opposite occurs. Finally, when t is one half, t and (1 - t) are the same leading to an equation: (A + B) / 2, which is exactly the midpoint of two values.

It should be noted that when I say "point", I am not prescribing any particular dimension. We can use linear interpolation against one-dimensional scalars just as easily as seventeen-dimensional vectors. When you have more than one component, all you need to do is interpolate each component independently:

  x(t) = A.x (1 - t) + B.x t
  y(t) = A.y (1 - t) + B.y t
  z(t) = A.z (1 - t) + B.z t

For higher order Beziers, we are doing nothing more than a weighted average of all of the control points. Here are the second and third-order forms:

  f(t) = A * (1 - t)^2 + 2 B (1 - t) t + C t^2
  f(t) = A * (1 - t)^3 + 3 B (1 - t)^2 t + 3 C (1 - t) t^2 + D t^3

There are two interesting patterns here, which makes it very easy to remember these equations. First, note that the exponents of (1 - t) and t are decreasing and increasing, respectively, between the terms. Second, the additional scalar coefficients come from rows of Pascal's triangle:

     1 1
    1 2 1    <-
   1 3 3 1   <-
  1 4 6 4 1

Looking at the equations above, the first point is affected entirely by (1 - t); the last, entirely by t. All points between involve both (1 - t) and t. As such, when t is zero, all terms except the first are cancelled out; and similarly, all terms but the last are cancelled out when t is one. For values between zero and one, we get some average of the points. The implication here is that, though we strictly begin and end at the first and last points, the path we take might not pass through any of the middle control points.

There is no limit to how many control points you would like to accommodate. However, it can be a little cumbersome to write out the equation for higher orders. This is where a little bit of recursion can help.

Bezier curves need only use linear interpolation to compute the result. Let's consider the second-order case first. We have three control points: A, B, and C. Using the parameter, t, linearly interpolate points A and B, labelling that AB. Next, do the same for points B and C, labelling it BC. We now have reduced three points to only two. Finally, linearly interpolate AB and BC, and the result is exactly what we want:

  AB = A (1 - t) + B t
  BC = B (1 - t) + C t

  ABC = AB (1 - t) + BC t
      = [ A (1 - t) + B t ] (1 - t) + [ B (1 - t) + C t ] t
      = A (1 - t)^2 + B t (1 - t) + B (1 - t) t + C t^2
      = A (1 - t)^2 + 2 B (1 - t) t + C t^2

The same approach works for higher orders. My recursive function achieves this by taking a list of control points and defining two new lists: one that omits the last element and another that omits the first element. These new lists are Bezier curves of a lower order. The process continues until the list is simply two points, which is nothing more than linear interpolation.

Regarding the parameter, t: if you imagine that you are walking a path from the first point to the last point, then thinking of t as "time" should make sense. The trick, I suppose, is that this is not absolute time but relative time. That is, think of t as a percentage of the entire journey. At zero (0%), we have just begun to walk and are standing at the first point; and at one (100%) we have just finished walking and are located at the final point. Again, technically we can exceed this range. For negative values, we are talking about what happened *before* we began walking at the first point. And for values above one, we are continuing to walk beyond the final point. The Bezier curve is infinite, though we often only consider the segment defined by the interval [0, 1].

Additionally, it is important to consider velocity along the curve. Based on the positioning of the control points, we may be walking at times and running at others. You see this with the variable spacing of dots when you sampled a curve at regular intervals of the parameter t. A value of one half for t does not mean you are halfway between the initial and final points in terms of Cartesian distance. This is why I had to go through the trouble of computing arc lengths, since I needed to know the slope of the curve at a specific distance from the end points.

My approximation for arc length and position will fail for exotic Bezier curves, since I am using a fixed subdivision count; but typically ties and slurs are more well-behaved in this regard. Now when a composer decides to invent notation where a slur has a cusp or loop in it, then we will need to worry:

\version "2.19.82"

\fixed c' {
    -\tweak thickness #2
    -\offset control-points
      #'(((0 . 0) (24 . 4) (-24 . 6) (0 . 0)))
    ( g8 c'16 b g e d4)

Am Mi., 17. Apr. 2019 um 22:53 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup <address@hidden>:
[ . . . ] It's just trying to give an artifical
construct in the form of an independent arbitrary parameter that has
been arbitrarily normalized from 0 to 1 (and indeed, in LilyPond a
normalization from -1 to 1, namely #LEFT to #RIGHT might be better
justifiable but diverging from most formulas in literature) some more
tangible image/meaning.

It is pretty simple to adapt the equations above to accommodate an interval of [-1, 1]. Our new parameter, s, can be converted to t as such:

  t = (s + 1) / 2

So linear interpolation of A and B, in terms of s, becomes:

  f(s) = [ A (1 - s) + B (1 + s) ] / 2

When s = -1, (1 - s) becomes 2 and (1 + s) becomes 0. Likewise, when s = 1, (1 - s) is 0 and (1 + s) is 2. Finally, when s = 0, both (1 - s) and (1 + s) are 1. We do need to apply a scalar 1/2 to the whole thing, but otherwise it works the same.

-- Aaron Hill

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