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Re: [help-gnu-radius] Maximum Logged in Users

From: Kurt
Subject: Re: [help-gnu-radius] Maximum Logged in Users
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 12:21:38 +0100

Hello Sergey,

> Were there any rejected authentications in the radius.log by that time?
> If there were, what diagnostics did radiusd display in the log?

No, there were no rejects. That's the reason, why I even didn't consider a

> Max-requests is not in any way related to the number of parallel
> authentications. GNU Radius does not impose any limit on the number of
> users that can connect simultaneously. You may configure it to
> restrict simultaneous logging *under the same user name*, or to
> restrict the number of simultaneously active sessions *from a given
> realm*, but the overall number of authentications is not controlled
> in any way.

OK, acknowledged. :-)

Thank you again.


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