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Help me understand the exec entry in emacsclient.desktop

From: Alexandros Prekates
Subject: Help me understand the exec entry in emacsclient.desktop
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 01:37:47 +0000

That is the entry:

Exec=sh -c "if [ -n \\"\\$*\\" ]; then exec emacsclient
--alternate-editor= --display=\\"\\$DISPLAY\\" \\"\\$@\\"; else exec
emacsclient --alternate-editor= --create-frame; fi"

My interpretation so far is: If files where given as arguments then
start in a certain display and use the current opened frame .
If files were not given then create a new frame.
But it doesnt make much sense to me. Also why  sh %F and not %F ?
And why in the latter case display is not being set ?


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