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[bug#35234] [PATCH] gnu: Add the-dark-mod.

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: [bug#35234] [PATCH] gnu: Add the-dark-mod.
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 07:01:53 -0300
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Em 21 de abril de 2019 13:18:15 BRT, "Ludovic Courtès" <address@hidden> 
>The “you need to obtain a copy…” bit is problematic because it refers
>non-free software.
>However, I believe it’s really talking about “non-functional data” in
>FSDG terms:
>So, rephrased to suggest obtaining the non-free _data_, the sentence
>be OK per the FSDG.  The problem is that it’s maybe not that simple to
>obtain the data without the non-free game…

As a plus, if we were to include the [assumed] nonfunctional data as package 
definition, we would have to attest whether that could be shared and sold 

As for simply mentioning it or referring to a repository containing it, 
considering the fact that it's been 6 months since I last read the GNU FSDG 
thoroughly, I do think that the guidelines need to be updated so as to 
officially address these two cases. Perhaps we all need to question FSF to do 

A reminder however, that maps with scripted events are also functional data 
since they can misbehave. Whether the game referenced by the engine uses those 
is yet to be proven.

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