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[bug#35234] [PATCH] gnu: Add the-dark-mod.

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: [bug#35234] [PATCH] gnu: Add the-dark-mod.
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 06:40:13 -0300
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Em 21 de abril de 2019 11:13:47 BRT, Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden> escreveu:
>Hmm, that’s not good then.  I think we should take a closer look at
>to decide whether they should be removed.
>The description of Arx Libertatis says this:
>   Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform, open source port of Arx Fatalis,
>   a 2002 first-person role-playing game / dungeon crawler developed by
>  Arkane Studios.  This port however does not include the game data, so
>   you need to obtain a copy of the original Arx Fatalis or its demo to
>   play Arx Libertatis.[…]
>Aside from the “open source” mention I don’t think it’s right for us to
>recommend that users obtain a copy of a proprietary game.

As far as I know including game engines is fine as long as they (not the game 
data) can be provided as FSDG-compliant (this is a litter further than simply 
being free/libre because GNU FSDG may require removal of third-party 
repositories - depending on their policy).

These software are useful since one can develop free/libre games to work with 

What I do think must be done is have a policy not to do a full copy-paste to 
the description from the original project in the package's metadata, this way 
we can foster a better compliance with the GNU FSDG in regards to not 
referencing non-free/non-libre functional data or nonfunctional ones that 
forbid unlimited sharing and selling.

This "avoid full copy-paste" policy would be similar to what we have in the 
Free Software Directory[1] - not equal since the motive would be different.

The next challenge would be making sure that the software and documentation 
don't mention stuff that isn't FSDG-compliant.

[1] .

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