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Idea for a GCC conference

From: Bradley M. Kuhn
Subject: Idea for a GCC conference
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 16:28:36 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Masayuki Ida, a Japanese professor who works closely with the FSF, would
like to organize a conference focusing on GCC.  As you on this list know,
there is a great deal of interest in the compiler, particularly in the
embedded community.  It is certainly an important and large enough project
that it warrants its own conference.

Professor Ida feels that the excitement in Japan about GCC is strong, and
that he can draw Japanese developers to attend a conference if it is held
on the West Coast of the USA.  Such a location isn't particularly friendly
to our European colleagues, but any location is going to be inherently
biased no matter where we pick.

A Silicon Valley location will get relative ease of travel most of the USA
and Canada, along with reasonable travel from most of Asia. Perhaps if the
conference is successful, we could begin holding it annually and move it
around the world.

We figured that about one year to plan the conference is realistic; trying
to move any more quickly would likely result in a less than optimal
outcome.  FSF doesn't have a lot of resources to put into the conference,
but we have pledged ancillary support where we can.  (For example, we've
committed to publishing the proceedings).

Also, I have opened a dialogue with USENIX, since they are experts at
running conferences.  I have received an email from Ellie Young, their
Executive Director, and I hope collaboration with USENIX pans out.  She
will be discussing the idea this week at the USENIX Annual Technical
Conference with her colleagues.  (I couldn't make USENIX this year, but
for those of you that are attending and would like to see such a
conference, be sure to mention that to Ellie if you see her!)

Of course, we can't pull this off without the full support of the GCC
community; your interest will make or break the conference.  We'd love to
hear your ideas, and even better, we'd love to hear from volunteers,
particularly those in Silicon Valley, who want to put in some hours to
pull this off.

I hope you'll send us your comments, and some offers for help.  Please
send comments back to the GCC Conference Discussion list,
<address@hidden>.  If you'd like to get involved, you can
subscribe the list at
http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gcc-conf-discuss/, or by emailing
'subscribe' to <address@hidden>.

Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation     |  Phone: +1-617-542-5942
59 Temple Place, Suite 330   |  Fax:   +1-617-542-2652
Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA   |  Web:   http://www.gnu.org

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