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Re: [ft] Stray pixel from FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap()?

From: Ian Britten
Subject: Re: [ft] Stray pixel from FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap()?
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:11:01 -0300
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On 04/08/10 11:32 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

This should be enough info, thanks.  Unfortunately, these days I'm
moving from Germany back to Austria (after almost 15 years abroad...),
so I don't have enough time to provide something by myself I could

Understood - Good luck on the move!
Funny though - From Canada, both Germany and Austria are 'abroad' ;)

FWIW, this isn't critical (yet...) - I'm just pursuing it now while
I've been into it for several days, and while it's fresh in my

However, there is this example:

Could you adapt this to render your shape?

Seems suitable - Thanks.  I've been able to tweak the numbers+points
in there to get my parallelogram to draw.  Unfortunately, it hasn't
reproduced the problem I was seeing, so I'm going to have to look
closer at what that example is calling verses what was being done
under my Cairo case (Specifically FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap()).
I fear it may be something to do with a particular size/resolution
or something, meaning I may need virtually the same settings in order
to reproduce it...

Meanwhile, I've been looking through raster.c, and confess that it
seems fairly sophisticated, especially when you don't know the
overall design/algorithm...  :P
Might there be a key place that does some sort of equivalent of
a "PutPixel(i, j, value)" that I could watch while debugging my
Cairo-based case?  Or does the algorithm not lend itself to that?
I figure someone must be turning on that offending pixel, and
detecting that case might illuminate the problem.

Thanks again!

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