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Re: [ft] Modifying/Enhancing the Truetype Interpreter

From: Moony
Subject: Re: [ft] Modifying/Enhancing the Truetype Interpreter
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 18:23:57 -0600
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Nice!  Please don't forget to document, probably with screenshots,
which code changes cause which improvements, and which cause
I will take screenshots as well as comment (at least temporarily) the code in the patch. I feel kind of embarrassed posting these "hacky" patches of ttinterp.c, but I'm sure it can be refined once all important parts are identified. ;)

It might be useful also to emulate ClearType `better',
this is, to use a larger factor for increasing the horizontal


This is a part I was wondering about. I understand that CT splits a pixel into 16 horizontal chunks and stuff like RTDG[], RDTG[], MDAP[R], MIAP[R], etc., all use that grid. However, let's say we want to increase the horizontal resolution to 32, or 64, or 256... or infinity? Wouldn't increasing the horizontal resolution to infinity simply mean /ignoring/ these instructions horizontally? (It would also have the added advantage of requiring less processing.) Perhaps I'm not fully understanding what is going on either. Am I making sense?


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