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Re: [ft] Speed/Quality adjustments

From: Wenlin Institute
Subject: Re: [ft] Speed/Quality adjustments
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:21:20 -0800

Are you caching the bitmaps produced by freetype? If not, that's probably the best way to make it faster.


On Nov 10, 2006, at 7:45 AM, Riede.Edward wrote:

I have been investigating embedding freetype into one of our platforms, and it looks great, but runs really slow. I was wondering if there are any adjustments that I could make to the engine to speed it up a bit? The rendering times on our platform are unbearably slow. I would like a speed improvement of about x32. (I know it is a lot to ask.)

I am thinking about changing the sub pixel resolution. Our platform only displays in 16 bit color, so it seems to me that the 64x64 sub-pixel’s/pixel could be reduced. 64x64 would give 4096 units/pixel. I would think that this could be reduced to 32 units/ pixel for the 5 bit component, or 96 units/pixel for lcd rendering. 32 units per pixel would need a 5x5, and 96 would need a 10 x 10.

It seems like this could give me the speed improvements that I need. Is this possible?


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